Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 1.55.44 PMWashington recruits, arms, trains, funds and directs ISIS terrorists the same way they used Mujahideen fighters in the 1980s against Soviet Russia in Afghanistan as well as Al Qaeda and likeminded takfiri groups today.

They’re US proxy foot soldiers against independent governments Washington wants replaced with pro-Western ones, or in the case of Iraq, weakened and balkanized like Yugoslavia for easier control.

Iraqis don’t believe America wants ISIS defeated. On June 25, the Wall Street Journal reported Anbar province Sunni Iraqi “unanim(ity) about whom to blame for their misery.”

Shiite lawmaker Alia Nusseif said “(w)e don’t have any trust in Americans anymore…ISIS is being used as a tool by America to divide and weaken Iraq.”

Former policeman Wassen Khaled said he “hold(s) Americans responsible for destroying Anbar.”

“We all know that America is providing ISIS with weapons and food, and that it is because of American backing that they have become so strong,” an Iraqi free from Ramadi added.

The Journal, of course, downplayed what it called “conspiracy theories” while admitting this view “represent(s) political reality with real-world consequences” – notably ISIS advances despite months of US bombing Iraqi infrastructure, not their fighters.

US officials lie about waging war on their elements. General Thomas Weidley is chief of staff of Washington’s so-called task force against the Islamic State. Claiming America’s “mission is to defeat Daesh (ISIS)” and bombing has had a “devastating” effect is polar opposite truth.

Washington created the Islamic State. A previous article explained Judicial Watch obtained a declassified 2012 Pentagon intelligence report anticipating ISIS (the Islamic State – IS) emerging from US support for Al Qaeda and other takfiri terrorists.

It predicted what happened, saying “(i)f the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared salafist principality in eastern Syria…and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

It anticipated “dire consequences” for Iraq – including the fall of Mosul and Ramadi, saying:

An “ideal atmosphere” was created “for AQI (Al Qaeda in Iraq) to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi.”

“ISI (Islamic State of Iraq) could also declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.”

Supporting powers include Washington, Turkey, other rogue NATO partners, Gulf states and Israel. They created and supported takfiri terrorist groups to destabilize Syria, establish a Salafist Principality, isolate the Assad government and topple it.

Pentagon intelligence confirmed US support for ISIS and takfiri terrorists – not opposition as officially reported.

Bassel Idriss, commander of a so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) brigade, admitted working jointly with takfiri terrorist groups, including ISIS – providing US-supplied weapons besides what Washington supplies them directly by airdrops and through Saudi channels.

London-based Conflict Armament Research reported “significant quantities” of US weapons used by takfiri terrorists marked “property of the US government.”

America’s phony war on ISIS uses its forces for its own imperial interests. On Sunday, Fars News listed 10 ways ISIS accumulates huge amounts of money.

1. Selling oil using Turkish firms for $1 million daily.

2. Selling ancient Syrian monuments through Turkish middlemen for billions of dollars.

3. Selling body organs.

4. Collecting ransoms for released hostages.

5. Trafficking non-Muslim women.

6. Selling antique Syrian and Iraqi manuscripts and artifacts.

7. Selling intelligence gained on their battlefields to Ankara spy agencies.

8. Turkish financial and logistical aid during the Kobani occupation.

9. Help from Turkish charities.

10. Over $1 billion annually trafficking heroin, according to Russia’s Drug Control Service head Viktor Ivanov.

Plus enormous amounts of US aid, much channeled through Riyadh. Middle East wars rage endlessly. Stoking conflict and instability serve US interests. Expect no resolution any time soon.

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