Publisher’s Note: Thanks to all Vermonters who champion informed consent and health choice. Find out more here.

We the People of the state of Vermont, do hereby solemnly declare our right to make free and uncoerced health and medical decisions for ourselves and our families. With this we stand for the rights of the people, the Constitution of the state of Vermont and for Vermont’s Informed Consent Law (18 V.S.A. § 9701) wherein “Informed consent” means the consent given voluntarily by an individual with capacity, on his or her own behalf or on behalf of another in the role of an agent, guardian, or surrogate, after being fully informed of the nature, benefits, risks, and consequences of the proposed health care, alternative health care, and no health care.

We the undersigned do hereby declare that we have the right to know, the right to fully informed consent, the right to choose and the right to refuse any medical product or treatment.

We the undersigned do hereby reject the quarantining of healthy persons and other acts of medical coercion and discrimination based upon an individual’s vaccine, immunity, testing or facial masking status – and we direct the Legislature to pass legislation to protect our right to make autonomous, independent health choices.



August 15, 2021

Vermont Declaration for Freedom & Health (Sign The Scroll!)

Publisher’s Note: Thanks to all Vermonters who champion informed consent and health choice. Find out more here. We the People of the state of Vermont, do […]