Publisher’s Note: First, understand that the World Economic Forum (The Davos Crowd) and the United Nations (The Rockefeller Crowd) joined forces a few years back to co-conjure their global strategic goals, as Amazing Polly explains in her video below. The challenge to US Humanity’s future can be explained in three TIME magazine covers from the past year. Since the 1920s, TIME has served as THE “spokes’magazine” for the US Empire, a weekly mass media cheerleader for US global imperial dominance, and now, curiously, the chief MSM promoter for globalist sociopaths like Klaus Schwab, and their dark Technocratic Transhumanist vision for Team Human’s (possible) future. Here in the US/Vermont, the Biden/Harris crew are fronting for this Technocratic Transhumanist Industrial Complex (TTIC), promising to usher in, under cover of COVID, the 4th Industrial Revolution’s “Great Reset” and further weakening US beginning January 21, 2021 with, among other promised policies: 1) promoting mandatory 100 day masking protocols; 2) deploying 100 million experimental unlicensed emergency “vaccines”; and 3) furthering economic lockdowns to continue to destroy US Human Lives and Livelihoods and pave the way for the “Great Reset.” Helpful 4th Industrial Revolution / “Great Reset” analysis from some of our best independent journalists – US Solari Report’s Catherine Austin Fitts, Daily Klout’s Naomi Klein, Canada’s Amazing Polly, Ireland’s Dave Cullen, and Canadian James Corbett from the “sunny climes of Western Japan,” also follows.

What to do? First, LISTEN. Multiply these two frustrated business owners on both coasts (see videos below) by TENS of THOUSANDS of small business owners across the US whose Lives and Livelihoods are being destroyed – NOT by a virus, but by radical and historically unprecedented viral protocols based on pseudo-science.

Cultivate values that are Pro Human, Pro Health Freedom, Pro Informed Consent, Pro Choice, Pro Resilience, Pro Resistance. To the thousands and thousands of Vermonters already on the Ramparts – much gratitude. You know who you are.

Breathe. Question. Research. Love. Courage.

Bless our 2nd Vermont Republic and Team Human.

December 12, 2020

“Your Move, Humans:” Santa Klaus Is Coming To Town – Viral Tyranny Versus Human Freedom (TIME FOR 2021 AND BEYOND)

Publisher’s Note: First, understand that the World Economic Forum (The Davos Crowd) and the United Nations (The Rockefeller Crowd) joined forces a few years back to […]