Publisher’s Note: Vermonters! Please consider supporting The People’s Inquiry here. We’ll be interviewing the plaintiffs on Plan V-TV in March. Free Vermont!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 5th, 2021

On December 23, 2020 concerned Vermonters filed a federal lawsuit in Burlington Federal Court against Defendants Governor Phil Scott, Health Commissioner Mark Levine and Attorney General T.J. Donovan.

The Plaintiffs intend to prove at trial and through discovery that lock-downs are a violation of our Constitutional rights. Furthermore, they are not keeping Vermonters healthy or safe.

We will expose the truth about the fatally flawed PCR tests that are the Defendants’ basis for a continued emergency.

We will prove that deaths have been repurposed to make it appear that Covid is the cause, that masks do not prevent the spread of viruses, and that the masks are causing harm.

We will call into question the reasons why the health department has ignored inexpensive and effective preventatives such as Ivermectin, Budoneside,Vitamin D, and Hydroxychloroquine plus zinc.

We will show that the CDC has not isolated the alleged COVID-19 virus.

The Plaintiffs maintain that Defendants have violated numerous Constitutional and inalienable rights, e.g. rights that cannot be taken away.

Plaintiffs maintain the Defendants have violated their oaths to uphold the Constitution of the State of Vermont, and specifically violated instructions regarding the 30 day limit of a Governor’s power to establish any embargo as instructed in Chapter II, Section 20 and violated 20 V.S.A. §§ 8 (4), 9 (8) that instructs the Governor to abide by the Constitution(s).

Among other claims, we claim that Mr. Scott has violated the separation of powers, due process and has engaged in medical deception.

The Governor does not have the authority to make new law. This is the authority of the legislature, to be enacted in the physical presence of the people. The Plaintiffs maintain these Defendants have engaged in repetitive deceptive messaging to the lawmakers and the public.

The plaintiffs recommend that laws regarding the pandemic be prohibited until their lawsuit is brought before the court and resolved.

Defendants Scott and Levine have stated repeatedly that mass vaccination is the “light at the end of the tunnel.” However, mounting evidence points to dangers of the alleged “vaccine” and that the injection that Pfizer and Moderna offer is not, in fact, a vaccine by definition.

Dr. Joseph Mercola calls the “vaccine” an “operating system” that runs “software” in the body to produce “applications.”

Manufacturers (Moderna and Pfizer) both acknowledge that their gene therapy technology has no impact on viral infection or transmission and merely conveys to the recipient the capacity to produce an S1 spike protein endogenously by the introduction of a synthetic mRNA sequence.

To view the lawsuit, go to

If you do not agree with the COVID mandates and want to help fund the lawsuit or to become a plaintiff, please fill out the “Get in Touch” section on the website.

We hope to share your stories.

February 27, 2021

The People’s Inquiry: Vermonters File COVID Lawsuit Against Governor Phil Scott, Dr. Mark Levine, and Attorney General TJ Donovan

Publisher’s Note: Vermonters! Please consider supporting The People’s Inquiry here. We’ll be interviewing the plaintiffs on Plan V-TV in March. Free Vermont! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February […]
February 23, 2021

Vermont Governor Sues Small Business Owner Over Mask Mandate (802 FREEDOM @ GO FUND ME)

Publisher’s Note: Vermont’s mask mandate has NEVER been a law, but now, one year into this “pandemic,” most Vermonters are acting otherwise. Vermonters who point out […]