Publisher’s Note: Join “Vermont Independent” publisher Rob Williams for a ZOOM conversation from California and Maryland with fellow citizens – Amber Yang, Kenn Burrows, Sarah Aminoff, and Kate Kheel – working with the Stop 5G international movement around the country.

Discover more about our 2VR at vermontindependent.NET. Questions? Comments? Ideas? Wish to join the nonpartisan 2VR open source network? Email publisher AT vermontindependent.NET. Thanks for watching Plan V-TV. Long live the 2nd Vermont Republic.

December 1, 2020

Plan V-TV/Episode 105: Corona Conversations 9 – A Conversation with US Citizens of Stop 5G International

Publisher’s Note: Join “Vermont Independent” publisher Rob Williams for a ZOOM conversation from California and Maryland with fellow citizens – Amber Yang, Kenn Burrows, Sarah Aminoff, […]