Publisher’s note: The “fake news” bullshit is flying so fast and furiously right now, it’s hard to keep up. Global disinformation campaigns abound. Fortunately, independent investigative news sites are tracking and calling out these campaigns in real time.

Here are three of our favorites at the moment:


The four-part Al Jazeera documentary about how the government and intelligence agencies of Israel work with US Jewish groups to spy on, smear, and attack critics, was blocked due to heavy Israeli pressure. It was recently leaked online by the Chicago-based Electronic Intifada, the French website Orient XXI, and the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar. Watch the entire 4 episode series here.


Journalists Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss Britain’s Integrity Initiative and the information war it is waging on the public, with propaganda expert Professor David Miller. They address the scandal surrounding this UK government-funded think tank, which has attacked Jeremy Corbyn and the anti-war left and laundered disinformation through the corporate media under the guise of countering Russia. Watch the 60 minute “deep dive” here.


“New Knowledge” is a “think tank” recently made the headlines in the US because they were caught attempting to manipulate the Alabama Senatorial election. This is not a fringe “conspiracy theory” claim – it was in the New York Times, twice. Read all about “New Knowledge’s” attempts to sell themselves as the “solution” to #RussiaGate and other digital media “meddling” by “hostile actors.”

February 6, 2019

The Lobby, the “Integrity Initiative” and “New Knowledge” (FAKE NEWS)

Publisher’s note: The “fake news” bullshit is flying so fast and furiously right now, it’s hard to keep up. Global disinformation campaigns abound. Fortunately, independent investigative […]