“Democrats Prepare to Pimp Their Own Left For 2018 and 2020”…?

Bruce Dixon at the Black Agenda Report nails it.

Here’s the relevant paragraph, Bernie’ites:

If Bernie, who’ll be 77 in 2020 runs again, the structure of the Democratic party and its non-profit affiliates would seem to dictate the same result. Bernie looks a lot safer to Democratic higher-ups than he looked in 2016. They know now that Sanders will support the eventual Democratic nominee, even if it’s a warmongering corporate shill almost as inept and incompetent as Donald Trump. They know Bernie is willing to compromise on that Medicare for All stuff too, as he has already introduced legislation that would do just that. And most of all they know Bernie, the supposed “Democratic socialist” is as deeply committed to lawless drone killings, military interventions and the permanent warfare state as are any other top establishment Democrats.

Plan “V’!

Free Vermont, and long live the UNtied States.

October 15, 2018

Feeling The Bern?! The 2018 Midterms and Beyond Into 2020 (BLACK AGENDA REPORT)

“Democrats Prepare to Pimp Their Own Left For 2018 and 2020”…? Bruce Dixon at the Black Agenda Report nails it. Here’s the relevant paragraph, Bernie’ites: If […]