Publisher’s note: Thanks to one of our Vermont readers for sending over this illuminating 90 second video describing the World Economic Forum‘s “Great Reset” Endgame, which we have written about extensively for some time now. Ah, those pesky “Western Values” – humans as sovereign autonomous agents, capable of determining their own destiny, infused with a divine spark, endowed by our Creator with natural rights – Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happinesssorting out our complex and messy Humanity with one another in democratic dialogue and debate while pursuing our inventive and creative impulses to the maximum.

Sounds awful.

Options? Fascism? Collectivism? Totalitarianism? Anybody?

To wit:

By now, many Americans have been 24/7 propagandized to believe that 1) the US is the most racist/sexist/classist/X nation in world history, 2) Humans are a Virus; 3) “Climate Change” is primarily caused by human/anthropogenic CO2 emissions and cattle farts; 4) COVID-19 is the most terrifying virus since the 1918-19 “Spanish Flu,” and so on and so forth. Add eight months of COVID’aganda, mandatory masking, physical distancing, engineered “economic lockdown (= “destruction”), plus decades of widespread neoliberal economic destruction and years of algorithmically driven programming for US tribal polarization – Black versus White, Red versus Blue, Men versus Women, etc – and what do you get? A US population so disoriented that even Orwell might marvel.

What to do? Center yourselves, Vermonters. Turn off the TeeVee. Hug your family, Breathe. Go outside. Unmask. And gird your loins for the exciting months of work ahead. Plan V – join us!

November 12, 2020

“Western Values Will Have Been Tested To The Breaking Point” (2030 WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM PSY-OP)

Publisher’s note: Thanks to one of our Vermont readers for sending over this illuminating 90 second video describing the World Economic Forum‘s “Great Reset” Endgame, which […]