Publisher’s Note: Reality Check. COVIDTOPIA, updated for Autumn 2022. 

Mass Formation: “I shouldn’t be given the privilege to not wear a mask.”  (WOKE/SJC + COVIDtopia + “Climate Change” = Human Race’ism.)

Something Wicked This Way Comes.

We got this, Team Human!


“We are probably among the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two, Earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us, than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. These will be the main products of the 21st century economy.”

Yuval Noah Harari, 2018 World Economic Forum (WEF) Keynote Address


“Totalitarianism is ultimately the logical extension of a generalized obsession with science, the belief in an artificially created paradise.

 ‘Science [has become] an idol that will magically cure the evils of existence and transform the nature of man.’”

Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, 2022

(with a nod to Hannah Arendt’s The Origins Of Totalitarianism)

“Humans are not built for utopia – they want adventure and chaos and uncertainty. 

The very notion of a utopia is anti-human.”

Jordan Peterson, Public Lecture, 2022

(with a nod to Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes From The Underground)


“History never repeats itself, but the patterns do.”

Attributed to Mark Twain

Introduction: Welcome to COVIDtopia

Something Wicked this way comes.

A strategic assault on Humanity (indeed, on all Living Things) disguised as an ongoing War on a Virus, from the global skies over our heads (politely called “geoengineering”) to the microcellular makeup of our bodies (mistakenly called “vaccinations”).

I call this Wickedness “COVIDtopia,” flagging what seems a strange collective civilizational disconnect between Reality as commonly understood until 2020, and an imagined Viral Dys / Utopia infecting the hearts and minds of so many otherwise intelligent people around the world for almost three years now.

How did this COVIDtastrophe happen?

How did Team Human, the planet’s most successful inhabitants, find ourselves subject to what I call Human Race’ism, a war on our sapiens species, by a small group of sociopaths – members of our own Human Tribe run amok?

In a question, how do we make epistemological sense of Team Human masking up, locking down, “socially distancing,” ubiquitously viral “testing,” “sheltering in place,” injecting untold numbers of untested “emergency use authorization” chemicals into untold millions of our bodies,  suppressing dozens of known preventative health and wellness protocols, destroying countless lives and livelihoods, bearing witness to skyrocketing rates of unemployment, depression, despair, alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide, shattering healthy economies and vibrant communities, and condoning the systematic maiming and killing of millions of humans around the world via this Grotesquery, as concerned insurance company CEOs, alarmed undertakers, dissident doctors, renegade researchers, maverick medical professionals, and alarmed corporate and government whistleblowers shout warnings from the Internet basements to which they’ve been marginalized?

Something Wicked this way is here.

I define this Wickedness as COVIDtopia, a collectively imagined Viral Dys/Utopia, a Brave New World into which we humans are being ushered, a watershed moment in human evolutionary history marked by an attempt to swiftly and radically reorganize all human affairs around an Existential Fear of a Virus.

In popular culture and historical imagination, “Utopia” has three meanings.

  1. A place of ideal perfection, especially in laws, government, and social conditions.


  1. An impractical scheme for social improvement.


  1. An imaginary and indefinitely remote place. 

All three definitions seem apt in describing this strange COVIDtopian Moment we humans now find ourselves inhabiting.

Central to COVIDtopia’s success is the use of propaganda – the strategic publishing and deployment of one-sided information produced to persuade. Motivated by profit, power, and population control (what used to be called “eugenics” and now goes by more euphemistic names such as “sustainability” and “environmentalism”), a small group of sociopathic humans aggressively advancing this COVIDtopian program are nothing if not artful propagandists. Understanding why they produce and how they deploy COVID propaganda is a central task for any human seeking to transcend this COVIDtastrophe.

As Propaganda In Focus’ regular readers well know, propaganda is traditionally used to mold minds, win hearts, and alter behaviors, as Piers Robinson, Mark Crispin Miller, and other astute pioneers of propaganda study rightly observe. According to Miller, four elements make COVIDtopia unique: 1) its ubiquitous global reach, 2) its 24/7 “Rolling Thunder” juggernaut’like nature (from the “Virus” to the “Mask” to the “Tests” to the “Vaccines” to “Ukraine” to Fill In The Blank and On and On); 3)  the political Left’s uncritical embrace of Authoritarianism (both sidelining and bewildering traditional liberals across the world), and 4) its wickedly audacious goal – to transform Humanity as a species, and to bring all Living Things under a new form of unprecedented viral tyranny.



Before sketching out the propaganda surrounding COVIDtopia’s greatest hits, and how we might transcend this Madness, a few words about this essay’s subtitle, adapted from my book of the same name, available for free reading at our Vermont Independent news journal – (Note, this site serves as a searchable database for many matters COVIDtopian – type in any search word or phrase to the web site’s search spy glass – “mask,” “PCR,” “transhumanism,” “Anthony Fauci,” “vaccines,” “the Great Reset” – and find selected articles and sources that inform our understandings of this COVIDtopian moment.

Viral Tyranny.

“Tyranny” is an old term referring to “cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control,” often applied to abusive or excessive government power.

After thirty months of daily researching COVID data, and witnessing first-hand how government-imposed COVIDtopian viral policies – attempts to mandate physical distancing, masking, economic lockdowns with no recompense, PCR “testing,” and “vaccinations” – impacted humans globally, the term “tyranny” seems appropriate.

If “tyranny” seems a stretch, just look into the eyes of your fellow humans in the midst of this unfolding COVDtpian moment, and, if they will even meet your gaze, tell me what you see.

Health Freedom.

A phrase first coined during the post-World War II Nuremberg Trials, “health freedom” is a fundamental human right embedded in international law after the victorious Allies exposed the horrific medical war crimes sanctioned by the Nazi regime, grotesque experiments committed by Nazi doctors and supported by the German nation – at that time, widely considered the world’s most advanced country.

Central to health freedom is the legal concept of “informed consent,” which states that any potentially performed medical procedure on any patient must first be subjected to two tests, posed here in the form of two questions:

  • Does the patient have a clear understanding of the medical procedure and potential consequences?
  • Has the patient fully agreed (“consented”) to said medical procedure?

Here is the 1947 Nuremberg Code “informed consent” for “health freedom” language, verbatim.

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

 This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” 

1947, Nuremberg Code

What many humans don’t realize is that WHO-recommended and government-imposed COVID policies like physical distancing, mask wearing, PCR “testing,” and “vaccinations” are all medical procedures of one form or another: top-down state-mandated interventions that deeply impact human psychology, physiology, and spiritual well-being, imposed on humans for two plus years now with little thoughtful consideration of or public dialogue about either “health freedom” or “informed consent.”

More broadly, “freedom” isn’t merely an abstract concept, celebrated by libertarians at annual festivals like New Hampshire’s PORCfest.

When we humans feel and know we are free, we experience all sorts of profound physiological changes. Our brain functions quicken, our endocrine levels optimize, our body’s cells awaken to a higher degree, our energy output rises, and our Mind and Spirit awaken to the possibilities of our Potential.

And without “freedom,” of course, the opposite is true.

Our brain functions decrease. Our endocrine levels destabilize. Our moods swing, beyond our control. Our body’s cells go to sleep, our human energies go into hibernation, and our Mind and Spirit deaden.

Without health freedom, in short, we Humans cease to be fully Human.

Human Destiny.

Quick history.

Our sapiens ancestors emerged from the trees tens of millions of years ago, and, in collaborative competition with other hominids like the Neanderthal and the Denisovan, we have evolved into the planet’s most successful species. We humans, too, are the only species capable of flexible collaboration in large groups around shared stories, explains Israeli historian and futurist Yuval Noah Harari in his best-selling book Sapiens(Harari is now repping what he excitedly calls “Data’ism” on behalf of the WEF, WHO, and the Davos crowd, all of whom are celebrating COVIDtopia as a unique global opportunity to transform the human species.)

To wit: over the millennia, sapiens inventions like hunting and gathering tools, spoken and written languages, fire, agriculture, harnessed energetic power (the 1st Industrial Revolution), electricity (the 2nd Industrial Revolution), computing, (the 3rd Industrial Revolution) and the digital Internet merging with networked artificial intelligence (the 4thIndustrial Revolution) have given us ever more mastery over our lives and our Planet.

Ironically, however, COVIDtopia, when treated as an unquestioned Official Narrative, leverages our most successful sapiens impulses – the ability to collaborate flexibly in large groups around shared stories – against us.

“Destiny” refers to the ability of both individual Humans and our species as a whole to co-creatively imagine our own Future, and then bring to bear all of our energies – spiritual, mental, psychological, and physical – in manifesting our imagined future, co-creating our Fate in real time.

Human destiny is an evolutionary promise that COVIDtopia seeks to render impossible, and the COVIDtopians who push their narrative practice a strange sort of “human race’ism,” blaming sapiens’ evolutionary success for the destruction of the planet, while referring to humans as a “virus,” a “scourge,” a “cancer,” etc. This form of species’cidal thinking is deeply dangerous to our human future, and must be confronted at every turn.

Planetary Techno-Fascism.

During World War II, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini famously defined “fascism” as the merger of state and corporate power, at the expenses of individual rights and democratic processes.

Fascism is found on the Right in extreme Nationalist movements (Nazism, be it in 1930s Germany or 21stcentury Ukraine), and found on the Left in ambitious “one size fits all” Globalist projects (think Communism or the United Nations), and is often disguised within any ideology or “ism” that imposes one-size-fits-all initiatives onto the beautiful diversity of Human experience.

Two examples.

Woke’ism: an “ism” that views Humans as little more than victims of a System of interlocking oppressions defined by a seemingly arbitrary handful of social categories (Race, Class, or Gender). In the “Woke” world, individuals are grouped into “tribes” by their visible physical characteristics (skin color or sexual organ differences), rather than considering each sovereign Human’s unique skills, attributes, and potentialities.

Safety’ism: an “ism” that prioritizes Safety (freedom from all risk) above all else within the Human experience. US elite liberal arts colleges’ obsession with Safety’ism – “safe spaces,” “micro aggressions,” “anti-bias hotlines,” and “trigger warnings” – capture this “ism” quite well.

The term “Techno,” meanwhile, refers to an ominous civilizational trend – that of rendering to Technocrats (so-called “experts”) more and more of our collective human experience.

As a species, we are being herded like cattle into what seems a planetary Age of Techno-Fascism. Lest this observation seem hyperbolic, consider that in the span of merely a few months, COVIDtopia emerged across the Planet as a techno-fascist force defined by many names:


Transhumanism: a utopian “ism” insisting that the human species can be improved by merging more and more with our machines via a…


Great Reset: with COVID as catalyst, the Globalist Digerati in Davos declare we must suddenly and with great haste and little discussion reinvent Human civilization, fusing our Human neurophysiological and biological systems with digital technologies, leading to a…


4th Industrial Revolution: the intruding of artificial intelligence via digital networks into our most intimate Human affairs, biohacking our minds and bodies, to engender a…


Transhumanist Technocracy: a world of sapien cyborgs (part Human / part Machine) collectively “managed” via powerful digital networks by technocratic “experts” for “our own good,” leading to the…


Singularity: the complete merger of Humans and Machines, which Googler and futurist Ray Kurzweil excitedly predicted would happen (back in his 2005 book The Singularity Is Near) by mid 21st century.


Important propagandistic terms which we must challenge and ultimately transcend.

COVIDtopia’s Greatest Hits

Propaganda Studies is vital to understanding how COVIDtopia seized our collective human imagination. Below, I sketch out ten truths (with small t’s) about COVID propaganda for further collaborative conversation, followed by my essay’s conclusion, where I provide strategic suggestions for transcendence, a loins-girding guide to how champions of “Team Human” might conspire together to invent a better future for ourselves, Humanity, and indeed, Life itself.

truth #1/Identifying COVID obsessions: Outsourcing most all our human decisions and governmental policies to “Scientism,” a naive belief in For-Profit Scientific Technocracy disguised as Objective Science Inquiry, has ushered in this civilizational COVIDtastrophe. Language informs Reality – and the list of Orwellian (COVIDtopian) words and phrases grows longer each week.

truth #2/Manufacturing COVID origins: Assuming the “virus” exists, the “novel” SARS CoV 2 virus appears to be “chimeric” (hybridized) – funded by the US “National Institute for Health” (NIH) via Eco Health Alliance grants and weaponized via “gain of function” (GOF) lab experimentation for two decades in both US and Chinese bioweapons laboratories (most famously at the Wuhan Institute of Virology). More ominously, the “molecular genetic code” for said “novel SARS CoV 2” virus appears to be a computer-generated “in silico” model shared with the world by the People’s Republic of China’s Communist Party leadership via the World Health Organization (WHO) during winter 2020, allowing for future “pandemics” to be manufactured via computer modeling rather than actual viral lab testing and isolation. Astute students of public health history are no doubt aware of the debate between Pasteur’ians (advocates of the ‘germ theory’) and Bechamp’ians (proponents of the “terrain theory’). Do “viruses” even exist? What role do our mental, physical, and geo-spiritual environments – pulsed EMF frequencies in our homes, schools, and neighborhoods?; nano-particulate metals in our skies?; Toxins in our soil, water and food? – play in maintaining our health or creating “dis-ease”? These are important questions. Vital for our purposes here is to deepen our understandings of how propaganda “manufactured” COVIDtopian imaginings in the hearts and minds of millions of our fellow humans via the most powerful media/ communications systems ever invented.

truth #3/Programming COVID stories: To wit, COVIDtopia’s biggest beneficiaries heavily invest in both legacy and digital “news” channels and monopolistic “social media” corporations like Facebook and Google, themselves co-founded by the CIA and other secretive government agencies. Big Tech, Big Pharma, military and “deep state” players such as the US Center for Disease Control (the CDC was founded and is funded as a military bioweapons research organization), and global “public health” players like the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (allied with ‘nonprofits’ such as Wellcome Trust and GAVI) – fund and fuel 24/7 MSM “news” coverage propagandizing on behalf of COVIDtopia, incessantly  injecting “viral fear porn” into the global communications bloodstream, modifying human thought, feeling, behavior, and now, humans themselves.

truth #4/Censoring COVID debates: US Big Tech Corporations censor and US corporate legacy “news” channels marginalize most all vital COVID questions and debates. (Both YouTube and Vimeo have removed several of our Vermont Independent video interviews, citing “medical misinformation” that did not “conform to CDC or WHO guidelines.”)

truth #5/Chronicling COVID deaths: COVID “conflict of interest” computer modeling and death data counting are inaccurate, misleading, and dangerous. Building our future on computer models is dicey, even more so when those programming the computers are funded by the very same COVIDtopian organizations ushering in this Mayhem.


truth #6/Conjuring COVID cases: COVID “PCR testing” is scientifically nonsensical and dangerous to Human autonomy and sovereignty. Nobel Prize winning and now-deceased scientist Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process, warned the world to never use his PCR invention to diagnose viruses and other alleged diseases. Alas, Mullis left this world just before COVIDtopia’s arrival, but his cautionary and critical voice speaks from the Internet if one can still access his video interviews and lectures.

truth #7/Confronting and Locking Down COVIDphobia: COVIDtopia thrives on human fear, virtue signaling, tribalization, compliance, and dependency. Humans at their best exhibit curiosity, compassion, conviction, and courage – as exhibited by both the human entrepreneurial spirit (talk to any successful inventor, investor, or small business owner) and the human desire to publicly gather for information sharing, story swapping and conspiratorial collaboration (see the 1st Amendment and the importance of public debate, discussion and dialogue – hallmarks of any free and democratic society). We are a social species – locking down Team Human is a recipe for disaster.

truth #8/Masking COVID Protocols: Simply stated, masks are ineffective at suppressing viruses (including COVID-19) and cause myriad harms to mask wearers. Why so many members of #TeamHuman continue to comply with such non-scientific nonsense is worthy of vigorous discussion and public debate, as well as curiosity and compassion.

truth #9/Injecting COVID (TRANS)Inhumanities: So-called COVID “vaccines” are, in reality, untrialed and untested human-altering biologics disguising experimental technologies such as graphene whose health consequences remain unknown, although emerging data published by the CDC’s so-called Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) indicate more than 1.3 million “adverse events” and “deaths” to date at the hands of these COVID injections (a low number, as peer-reviewed scientific studies of the VAERS system make clear). “The shots ARE the pandemic,” as Nobel Prize winning French virologist Luc Montagnier observed in July 2021 shortly before his passing. As the “vaccine” manufacturers themselves explain in their own fine print, their injections suppress neither viral infections nor viral transmissions; their injections merely mask COVID-19 disease symptoms (or so the pharmaceutical companies claim).

In sum, “vaccinated” humans subject themselves to experimental injections out of Fear, Virtue, or Compliance, and then move through the world unwittingly transmitting disease because the injections merely mask their symptoms, while the “vaccinated” blame the so-called “unvaccinated” (humans who choose healthy natural immunity) for viral spread due to “selfishness” or “ignorance.” Orwellian. Moving into fall 2022, the data clearly indicate that these “vaccines” do not “work” to stop infections or transmissions – just as their manufacturers stated months ago, even as they tout “booster” shots as the next “solution.” Meanwhile, natural immunity appears superior to vaccine-induced immunity for Team Human – those who chose to not dance with the injections. Even more troubling, “sudden deaths” among the “vaccinated” are on the rise all over the world. See our PIF colleague Dr. Mark Crispin Miller’s “sudden death” weekly posts on his Substack channel, where he chronicles the mounting human death toll, even as “news” outlets explain away this spike in mortality by nonsensically blaming everything other than the “vaccines” – hot weather, overly aggressive gardening, cold water, poor sleep posture, and too much mozzarella on one’s pizza. We have now been given an Orwellian term – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) – to complement Sudden Infant Death Syndroms (SIDS). Grotesque.

truth #10/DNR-Ending COVIDtopia: COVID will never “just go away,” if the global Transhumanist Technocrats funding and pushing the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution (the COVIDtopians) have their way.  Now is the time for #TeamHuman to rise up, resist, cultivate deeper resilience, and conspire (“breathe together”) to transcend COVIDtopia.

Do not resuscitate COVIDtopia.

I repeat, DNR COVIDtopia.


Beyond COVIDtopia: Transcending Human Race’ism, Conspiring for a Better Future


Conclude with a beautiful reality.

The COVIDtopian globalists who practice a wicked form of Human Race’ism insist that we humans are a virus, a scourge, a cancer on our beautiful living Planet.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

We humans, each of us, is a highly evolved self-organizing system, engaged in a beautiful reciprocal dance of gratitude with the rest of living creation, breathing in and out with the planet 20,000 to 25,000 times a day.

In our gloriously flawed evolutionary uniqueness, we are each comprised of (give or take) 30 trillion cells, 40 trillion bacteria, and 380 trillion viruses in or on our human body, claims none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Health (NIH) initiative, dubbed the Human Microbiome Project (begun in 2007).

380 trillion viruses?

Yes, including corona viruses.

Given our astonishingly complex human microbiome, how do we highly evolved humans, (both individually and as a species) optimize ourselves – becoming more healthy, strong, and happy?

Dozens of ways.

Practicing daily breathing protocols – we humans have invented myriad options for deepening our spiritual life through mindfulness, prayer, and meditation.

Cultivating clean water and growing fresh nutritious food.

Pursuing regular exercise, Outside, in Nature: walking, hiking, running, swimming, climbing – all of which contribute to our ongoing evolutionary success as a species.

Resting every evening, allowing our Minds, Bodies and Spirits to recuperate from the creative complexities of Daily Living.

Developing relationships with other living Beings – plants, animals, and the Planet as a Whole.

Nurturing our complex social ties with family, friends and colleagues, including, when we are ready, birthing families of our own.

“Making a Living” through crafting meaningful Livelihoods – creative life affirming work in the collaborative company of other humans.

Harnessing Nature for healing when we become Dis-Eased, from traditional homeopathic remedies such as herbs and other forms of “plant wisdom” to modern medicines including (for COVID-19) vitamins D and C, quercetin, bromhexine, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and this FDA approved trio: the transplant-rejection drug cyclosporine, the cancer drug dacomitinib, and the antibiotic salinomycin.

Millions of years of human wisdom – hunted, gathered, grown and garnered by we sapiens as our species has evolved.

In short, we humans know dozens of ways to treat Disease without embracing COVID’astrophic viral protocols: Physical Distancing, Masking, Locking Down, “Staying Home (in isolation) To Stay Safe,” and Consuming the “News” while waiting for the Gates-funded WHOsters at the World Health Organization or Dr. Anthony Fauci to tell US it is OK to again resume living a Fully Human life.

All of these COVIDtopian protocols directly contradict millennia of what we Humans know – how to cultivate Health, Strength and Happiness for Human success.

So why, then, have we collectively forgotten what we have known for millennia?

Propaganda. Fear. Disinformation. Compliance – all catalyzed by a global disinformation campaign unprecedented in human history.

Time to Transcend COVIDtopia.

Courage, Team Human!

One Breath at a time – and we’ll meet you Outside!


Trained as an environmental historian, Rob Williams, Ph.D. lives in Vermont’s Mad River Valley, and has taught courses in history, media, communications, propaganda, and journalism for thirty years. In addition to publishing six books and managing research projects at and , he is the co-founder of, a breathwork organization training humans to optimize their Potential, one Breath at a time, and the author of a new book entitled Beings Human: A Most Miraculous Conspiracy, available for free reading at Alongside Dr. Mark Crispin Miller, Williams will be co-teaching an online course come fall 2022 semester – “Challenging The Psychology of Totalitarianism,” focused on a critical reading of Dr. Mattias Desmet’s new book of the same name – co-sponsored by the


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