Publisher’s Note: Since January 2021, we’ve covered the 1/6 “Insurrection” as a “Color Revolution” fueled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which has a long history of “trumping up” potential “terrorist threats” for various strategic reasons. As the 1/6 video footage flows into the US zeitgeist, Gray Zone co-founder and US investigative journalist Max Blumenthal and Jimmy Dore break it down. What do Vermonters make of all this?

March 12, 2023


Publisher’s Note: Since January 2021, we’ve covered the 1/6 “Insurrection” as a “Color Revolution” fueled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which has a long […]
December 23, 2022

Zelensky “Wags The Schwab” In The US Capitol, While The 1/6 “Color Revolution” Continues (UKRAINE’S 54 BILLION DOLLAR CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM 1/6 LIBERAL Q SHAMANS CHAMPIONING “ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION”)

Publisher’s Note: Just gonna tuck this post here for now, and urge all our 1/6 “Insurrection” believing / Ukrainian flag waving Vermont friends and neighbors to […]
December 19, 2021

Did The FBI Help Manufacture The US 1/6 DC “Insurrection”? (REVOLVER/FED’SURRECTION)

Publisher’s Note: We described the so-called 1/6 “Insurrection” as a “Color Revolution” back in January 2020. Turns out, FBI involvement in orchestrating said “insurrection”  continues to […]