Publisher’s Note: Thanks to ALL of our independent news producers around the world for having the courage and conscience to ask questions, conduct research, engage in discussion and debate, build community, and push back in the midst of this COVID-addled civilizational moment. Special thanks to the THOUSANDS of Vermonters who are standing their ground on behalf of Team Human – you know who you are. Wishing all of you Peace and Respite this holiday season – see you in 2021 to celebrate Vermont Independence Month in January. Bless our 2nd Vermont Republic! Here are Dr. Martin Kulidorff’s “Twelve Principles Of Public Health” for holiday meditations.

“Yes, Virginia, there is a COVID global pandemic, and you should subject your body to an ’emergency,’ unlicensed, untested, gene altering technology politely dubbed a “vaccine” for which its makers are twice legally indemnified from any recourse should you or any of your friends, relatives, or loved ones suffer subsequent negative health consequences. Ho ho ho!

Five questions courtesy of Del Bigtree and the High Wire.

December 24, 2020

Merry COVID Christmas, Vermont! Here Are FIVE Questions To Ask Around Your Holiday Table (2021, TEAM HUMAN!)

Publisher’s Note: Thanks to ALL of our independent news producers around the world for having the courage and conscience to ask questions, conduct research, engage in […]