Publisher’s Note: With no apparent sense of irony, the Vermont state legislature is pushing to apologize for Vermont’s eugenics policy of a century ago while failing to push back on Governor Scott’s emerging quasi-eugenics “vaccination” policy of TODAY.

Now would be a good time for Vermonters to review the Nuremberg Trials explore the meaning of Hannah Arendt’s famous if often misunderstood phrase “the banality of evil,” and check in with Milton Mayer’s 1955 classic They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-1945.

This Op/Ed, submitted anonymously by a small team of Vermont scientists and researchers who prefer not to be identified, asks some important questions at this Civilizational moment. Vermonters of Courage and Conscience – please step up and be counted.

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Time to ask some serious COVID questions here in Vermont. 

  1. Are proposed “vaccine privileges” a new form of apartheid here in the Green Mountains?
  • Is Vermont’s state government advocating a quasi-eugenics policy if they choose to support such a draconian measure?

A recent mid-term legislative update included the following statements:

In 1931, the General Assembly officially endorsed eugenics through statute by passing an “Act for Human Betterment by Voluntary Sterilization,” which sought to prevent procreation of “idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded or insane persons” to improve the public welfare. Historians testified that eugenics project activities extended beyond sterilization to removing children from their families and institutionalizing or incarcerating individuals, with generational implications. 

The House General, Housing and Military Affairs Committee is poised to pass a Joint Resolution (J.R.H.2) that affirms and apologizes for the General Assembly’s role in state-sanctioned eugenics policies and practices. In addition to the apology, the resolution further commits that further legislative action should be taken to address the continuing impact of eugenics policies and the related practices of disenfranchisement, ethnocide, and genocide

Does anyone else see the glaring hypocrisy inherent in our Vermont government when they propose to apologize for their role in eugenics and “related practices of disenfranchisement, ethnocide, and genocide” all the while doing nothing about Governor Phil Scott’s emergency orders? 

Recently, the Vermont Governor granted special rights and privileges to vaccinated individuals that were denied to the unvaccinated. Through these actions, the executive branch created vaccine apartheid and set a dangerous precedent for Vermonters. The explicit message is that Vermonters’ constitutional rights and civil liberties, much less anything else enjoyable in life, will only be restored if Vermont citizens bend to the will of the state. Arguably this precedent lays the foundation for vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination where unvaccinated individuals are left with the stark choice of either living under severe restrictions or joining the ranks of the vaccinated. 

Many compliant citizens will cave to regain their “freedoms,” but what of Vermont proponents of informed consent and health freedom who resist? Will these individuals be seen as not doing their part to protect others? Will they be similarly characterized as “idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded or insane persons” to justify the right of the state to force upon them an unwanted “vaccine”? Is there really any difference between forced sterilization and mandatory vaccination when it comes to violating an individual’s bodily autonomy? 

For Vermont’s authoritarian regime which has been increasingly restricting individual freedoms in Vermont for the past year all in the name of a supposed “state of emergency,” “vaccine passports” are a logical next step. The State may justify mandatory “vaccination” as being for “the greater good” in the same way that the 1930s eugenicists argued for forced sterilization to “improve the public welfare.” Vaccine passports are, de facto, the new eugenics. 

Instead of issuing an apology for tragic events that happened nearly a century ago, the energies of our Vermont legislature would be better spent on preventing history from repeating itself!

It is the role of the Vermont legislature to keep the executive branch in check. For the past year, they have been paralyzed by their fear and negligent in their duties to protect citizens from Executive overreach. It’s completely hypocritical for our legislators to propose an apology for the very thing they are supporting by not countering an Executive branch run amok. 

We desperately need our representatives to wake up and start doing their jobs to protect Vermonters from viral tyranny, vaccine apartheid, and this new grotesque policy of viral-eugenics! 

March 29, 2021

Informed Consent and Health Freedom On Trial: Is Vermont’s State Government Advocating A Quasi-Eugenics Policy Of “Vaccine Apartheid”? (REMEMBER NUREMBERG)

Publisher’s Note: With no apparent sense of irony, the Vermont state legislature is pushing to apologize for Vermont’s eugenics policy of a century ago while failing […]