Begin with our reporting from back in 2016 – “Did Bernie Actually Win the 2016 Democratic Primary?,” featuring highlights from ElectionJusticeUSA’s comprehensive 100 + page report on Democratic Party voter tampering across the country. Fast forward four years – for the DEM ESTABLISHMENT “freak outat the prospect of Vermont’s junior Senator Bernie Sanders winning the DEM primary/caucus process in all 50 states.

Welcome to 2020, when it seems fairly clear to anyone awake and paying attention that the DNC would rather lose to DJT in November 2020 than see BS elected under the Democratic Party banner. Why Senator Sanders doesn’t embrace the same wildly successful strategy as DJT did in 2016 with the Republican Party, 1) challenge the DNC’s deep level of rot and corruption and 2) run as a TRUE independent under the People’s Party, is anyone’s guess. There’s still time. But not much.

How ‘Bout 1) Pen(cil) and Paper Ballots, and 2) A People’s Party? plus a “deep dive” into US election theft by the guys who literally wrote the book on this topic, or read Mark Crispin Miller’s vital book Fooled Again.

Helpful videos below.

The Gods Of Vermont are not the Gods of the Empire!” Free Vermont.


Below, here’s how we vote in the Green Mountains.

IOWA: Bernie Eventually Ekes Out A Win, Despite DNC/Deep State Roadblocks

Iowa Caucus = “Goat Rodeo,” says HRC 2016 chief strategist, #RussiaGate disinfomonger, and Shadow app company co-proprietor Robbie Mook (rhymes with “Crook”). The Intercept’s Lee Fang on What’s App with the Iowa App. Meanwhile, Max Blumenthal at the Gray Zone connects the Deep State dots on non-contender Pete “Dark Horse” Buttigieg’s wacky rise to national prominence.


Surprise, courtesy of The Jimmy Dore Show! Below, remember Robbie Mook (rhymes with “Crook”)? Goat on, RM!

Thanks, to RT America’s US HQ in Miami, Florida and journalist Rick Sanchez, below, for breaking this story on the Mayor Pete/Shadow APP connex.

Long-time Democratic Party activist/journalist Nomiki Konst and contributor Sam Finkelstein explain below what happened in Iowa with the “Shadow” app. Who awarded the app contract? Was it the app’s fault? Who else is using the app? What is “Shadow?” And did the reforms cause the caucus problems? What smears are the establishment using against the movement to cover their failures?

The Hill’s Krystal Ball gives it to us straight:

Sanders’ chief strategist on Iowa as a “big focus group:

“Cheat For Pete” – Watch Iowa caucus leaders “flip coins” – thanks to the JDS for this vid.

Parting IOWA VID: two of our best indy investigative journalists – Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate – explore IOWA, Democratic party grifters, their connex to #RussiaGate #fakenews, and what Vermont’s Senator Sanders must do to challenge the rot and corruption within the DNC establishment as a legitimate 2020 presidential candidate.


First of all,, note that Hawai’i Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard – of color, a war veteran, a vegan, and young, charismatic, articulate, and deeply authentic – is clearly playing ‘the long game,” building up NH support among citizens from across the political spectrum, from war vets to disaffected progressives and libertarians, to DEMS and REPS disgusted with US imperial “business as usual” politics. Follow her livestreams here to get a sense. And the woman has cojones – her campaign is suing both Google (for the mysterious 6 hour disappearance of her Gabbard campaign web site in the Google search engine results after she made a big impression with US national audiences during the first summer 2019 DEM debate) and Hillary Clinton for HRC’s bizarre allegation that Ms. Gabbard is “a favorite of the Russians” etc. on a national podcast.

Here’s The Intercept’s Lee Fang exploring Iowa, New Hampshire, and the quiet arrival of a well-networked and heavily monied Michael Bloomburg campaign with USEFUL IDIOTS Katie Halper and Matt Taibbi.

And meanwhile, back in Vermont? Both claiming victory in Iowa, Buttigieg and Bernie “Neck and Neck” Going into Granite State. Shame on VTDIgger for “framing” the post-Iowa Caucus grift as a “horse race” story between Bernie and Petie without mentioning ANY irregularities or drawing on ANY of the independent news coverage re: Iowa above.


Redacted Tonight news’median Lee Camp OP/ED’ing in TruthDig and now Mnar Muhawesh’s Mint Press re: how the DNC will attempt to steal California’s 495 delegates from the surging Sanders campaign in the Golden State. (BTW – Mint Press is a gem of an indy news site. Support ’em.)


DEMS hire full time PETE organizer to protect “voting integrity.” Yoinks.


“The RUSSIANS Are Coming! The RUSSIANS Are Coming!” (Again. #RussiaGate Redux)

Now that Vermont’s Bernie Sanders is running away with the Democratic nomination what’s Plan B for the DNC? Take a listen…

Hey look over here! We US here have new “Russian Proof” voting machines!

And here, at home in the Green Mountains (2/28/2020), this VTDigger headline made us giggle, given both DJT and Joe Biden’s comparable ages and seeming inability to complete sentences:

February 8, 2020

US Imperial “Electile Dysfunction” 2020: Open Thread (#FEELINGTHEBERN HERE IN VERMONT)

Begin with our reporting from back in 2016 – “Did Bernie Actually Win the 2016 Democratic Primary?,” featuring highlights from ElectionJusticeUSA’s comprehensive 100 + page report […]
February 7, 2020

Joining “Team Human” (2VR FRONTIERS)

The legendary Douglas Rushkoff, who wrote the Introduction to our 2016 book MEDIA EDUCATION FOR A DIGITAL GENERATION, holds forth in this vital 60 minute interview […]
February 7, 2020

“No Deal For Nature” (COMMONS + VERMONT)

Canadian journalist Cory Morningstar, who uncovered the global marketing campaign promoting IPCC/UN rock star Greta Thunberg, sent along this new campaign entitled NO DEAL FOR NATURE. […]
February 7, 2020

5G, Electromagnetic Radiation, DEW, And “Mind Control” (BIO-ETHICS IN VERMONT)

Intense. The experts featured in this video – Edward Snowden, Barry Trowner, and Bill Binney among them – highlight some dark and dystopian activities happening just […]
February 7, 2020

History, Narrative And Power – Listening On The Vermont Frontier (A PEOPLE’S HISTORY)

Using Howard Zinn’s A People’s History Of The United States as a framework, Pulitzer Prize winning former New York Times journalist Chris Hedges and author and […]
February 7, 2020

“Vermont Is A Constitutional Problem” (“ROTTEN BOROUGH TO 2ND VERMONT REPUBLIC?!)

A Vermont neighbor sent over this recent constitutional analysis (April 2019) of Vermont’s constitutional status as the smallest and least populated of the US Empire’s 50 […]
February 4, 2020


We’ve been really enjoying the high-level conversations – thoughtful, open-ended, non-ideological – happening here at the REBEL WISDOM channel over the past year plus. Case in […]
February 4, 2020

CoronaVirus, From the Vermont Frontier (HIGH WIRE)

Refreshing to hear the HIGH WIRE’s Del Bigtree have an in-depth discussion with various disease experts and investigative journalists about what we know and don’t know […]
February 1, 2020

“Vermont Res Publica” (PRECIOUS 2VR METALS)

Back by popular demand! Our commemorative Republic of Vermont silver coins! Grab yours now and invest in our 2nd Vermont Republic! Pick ’em up here in […]
January 30, 2020

Vermont’s Bernie is “Trumpian”? The DEM Establishment #FeelTheBern (FAIR CALL)

Publisher’s Note: Fairness And Accuracy In Reporting chronicles the millions of ways corporatist Democrats are trying to shut down Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ surging 2020 presidential […]
January 29, 2020

Plan V-TV/85: Vermont Filmmaker Meredith Goodwin (COMING HOME)

Join “Vermont Independent” publisher Rob Williams for a conversation with Vermont filmmaker Meredith Goodwin about her new doc “Coming Home” about growing up skiing at Mad […]
January 29, 2020

The Impending 2020 5G “Rollout” And Our Vermont Legislature (VCE UPDATE)

Last week, eight of us from EMF Safety for Vermont and Vermonters for a Clean Environment met with Sen. Becca Balint, who serves on the Senate […]