Publisher’s Note: After years of publishing Vermonter Ian Baldwin’s geopolitical and environmental research on geoengineering, Vermont Independent is pleased to support the creation of Our Geoengineering Age, an evidence-based exploration of the world’s most pressing and yet underreported environmental issue. SOS – Save Our Skies!

Geoengineering the sky over Vermont’s Mad River Valley. Photo courtesy of David Garten.

“Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire couldn’t conquer the blue sky…”

                                               – Crowded House

Publisher’s Note: Visit OUR GEOENGINEERING AGE, our new sister project, for a “deep dive.” The clandestine USM geoengineering of our skies may be the single most important environmental and civilizational issue of our time. Find Vermont Independent.Net co-founder and lead geoengineering researcher Ian Baldwin’s “Our Geoengineering Age” series below. We’ve also included additional links: OVERCAST: AN INVESTIGATION INTO CLIMATE GEOENGINEERING, a 2018 documentary film that provides a useful global overview about the geoengineering phenomenon and public (non)discussions about geoengineering, as well as other links of interest. Read on…

Autumn 2019 OGE update from lead researcher Ian Baldwin:
Four-and-a-half years work trying to peer into and understand the dark realm of ongoing covert geoengineering (Mr. Hyde) and into the cheery but ultimately equally confusing realm of his alter ego (Dr. Jekyll)—the realm of academic or proposed future geoengineering—have forced me into a sustained examination of the politics, history, and science that bear upon the geoengineering phenomenon. In the matter of the science behind it, my informant and colleague, now friend, is Marvin Herndon. In issues scientific, the wool may be pulled over my untrained eye, but not Herndon’s. 
Marvin has 47 years of peer-reviewed scientific articles under his belt and is a highly original Earth scientist and theoretician of Earth’s origins and evolution. His output includes articles in journals such as Proceedings of the Royal Society and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Marvin has educated me a wee bit about science and a lot about the politics of science, especially as practiced since the 1950s, when science was well on its way to becoming a politicized and commercialized collective enterprise, funded by government and industry.
In recent years, and indeed months, the notion that the UN IPCC is a political entity, that is, a politicized scientific institution serving murky interests—not necessarily evil or malign, but murky—has gained stature in my eyes. As the article by Paul Butler (link below), that is precipitating this communiqué, states: 
“The IPCC was set up by the UN to develop a consensus—to help government policy makers. This may be laudable for policy formation, but ‘consensus is the stuff of politics, not science—science proceeds by observation, hypothesis, and experiment’.”This is the most lucid, short-and-easy-to-read summary of the climate-change conundrum I’ve yet read; I commend it to all of you.
For those of you intrigued by his last-pages argument re science-is-not-politics, consider reading Bernie Lewin’s book Searching for the Catastrophe Signal (2017).
Of course Butler does not breathe a word about aerosol particulate geoengineering and its contribution—indeed the momentous contribution of all particulate pollution on planet Earth—to global warming. Nuclear geophysicist and independent scientist J. Marvin Herndon has published four peer-reviewed papers outlining this hypothesis with supporting evidence, with a fifth peer-reviewed paper about to be published on the momentous role of anthropogenic airborne particulates on global warming. Heard of the silence of the lambs? Are we those lambs? Let’s at least go BAAAA!
At the core of the climate change conundrum is the almost unmentioned assumption in climate science that Earth’s heat is invariable, a precarious perch the IPCC scientists’ models, like old crows, quietly rest on. Butler only hints at the problems of this notion, mentioning en passant that processes such as Earth’s orbit (not a perfect circle as Kepler discovered), or its cycle of precession, aka wobble (26,000-year-cycle explored in fascinating depth in Hamlet’s Mill published 1970), and solar output, but does not really explore the endogenous or geological sources for Earth’s variable heat. 
Eighty percent of all Earth’s volcanism is in the deep ocean—one million volcanoes according to NASA—and as the vast paleoclimatic record suggests, when they become active, they drive CO2 out of the oceans and into the atmosphere (a rise in measured heat seems to precede a corresponding rise of CO2, according to the paleoclimatic records of Greenland and Antarctica). The top ten feet of the world ocean contains more CO2 than the entire atmosphere, many miles deep.
These issues were addressed by a nonscientist named Robert Felix, who digested over 500 scientific articles and books to publish Not by Fire but by Ice in 2005. Felix was inspired to understand how, roughly 11,000 years ago, mammoths were suddenly deep-frozen (in one stupefying instant) so that when they were found and thawed during the last century, the men who discovered them fed their still vital meat to their sled dogs. Though Mr. Felix’s style can be irritating in its informality he is clear, and he documents his sources, which are almost invariably scientific.
To go further will take me in too deep for an email! But I’ve come round to seeing that geoengineering, both covert and overt, cannot be understood outside the whole AGW (anthropogenic global warming) movement that pervades the many clueless websites and blogs I somehow subject myself to with less and less enthusiasm today. Here by the way, is what President Thomas Jefferson wrote to a John Novell about the best way to start a newspaper in 1807: 
“’…restraining it to true facts & sound principles only.’ Yet I fear such a paper would find few subscribers….Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper, truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle….the man [sic!] who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors, he who reads nothing will still learn great facts, and the details [meantime] are all false.”

Spring 2019 OGE update from lead researcher Ian Baldwin:

The latest survey of scientific literature indicates we now have 2,500+ scientific papers on geoengineering, which indicates a serious scientific subplot, or sub-discipline, is developing. Since US scientific research is largely funded by the US military-industrial complex, the funding parties patently have a serious interest in this subplot. Since those same funders are funding (via ‘black budgets’) covert tropospheric geoengineering, the question is “What is the true function of stratospheric engineering?” I used to think it was being developed as a ploy against the time when enough alarm had built up in the public, enough questioning in the public realm outside the news/info ghetto, so that it could be wheeled out and employed to salve the ceaselessly fear mongered anxiety about global warming. But I now see this doesn’t really apply, as they’ve been doing clandestine geoengineering for over 20 years with nary a peep from their allies in the US “news”media and therefore near-total ignorance of ‘the people’ slowly being boiled in the frog’s pot. In short, there’s no need to add the complexity of a purported global cooling technology.

There is, however, no question that disaster capitalism will enter yet another highly profitable arena with the full-bore deployment of stratospheric geoengineering. But there the logic stops. Because if the USM lets this cat out of the bag, it will be monitored, watched, including by the duplicitous media, and it will be noticed if the daily deployment of stratospheric aerosols is not taking place in the upper stratosphere, as most these 2,500+ science papers are likely proposing or assuming. And the results—global cooling, as after Pinatubo—will also be closely monitored. Yes, NASA lies and cheats, but this will be too big for their usual legerdemain. Too big an animal to hide.If you add the US military-industrial complex’s probable goal of enabling global warming—killing two grievous birds with one stone: opening up vast areas of Earth to new strategic resources and killing off hundreds of millions of ‘useless eaters’ at the same time—you are confronted with serious contradiction in aims. Save the perpetual aim of money-making. In short, the puppet masters must keep melting the ice and convince us they are doing everything in their power to stop the ice from melting.


Essay #1 – “Monkey Wrenching Vermont’s Night Sky,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: “Though located in universities, prestigious research institutes, and erstwhile nuclear weapons labs, the academic geoengineers have an obscure brotherhood inside the military, whose scientific findings over a span of decades’ research form a legacy that is publicly unacknowledged, locked inside military manuals and classified scientific documents…”

Essay #2 – “Beyond Global Climate Talks,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: “The Royal Society begins its definition of geoengineering as “the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment” and by itself this serves as a historically valid definition. The Society adds: “to counteract anthropogenic climate change,” which serves to make the new but more narrow definition of geoengineering as climate engineering, or in its most current iteration, “climate intervention.”[1] Broad or narrow, for nearly three-quarters of a century geoengineering has been conducted for reasons that have little to do with the mandate to ameliorate climate change and much to do with war, and secondly with commerce.”

Essay #3 – “The Sorcerer’s Apprentices at Play at the Dawn of the Geoengineering Age,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: “Science was cordoned off, in effect, inside the military-industrial complex, its findings kept under wraps. The 350-year tradition of independent, individual investigation of nature and matter gave way to the era of ‘Big Science’, meaning scientific research with big, government-funded budgets. And Big Science unequivocally included weather and climate modification, as well as other forms of geoengineering, all of which have been invariably cloaked in secrecy. But, as one physicist has noted, “secrecy always lowers the standard of environmental accountability”[4] — not to mention democratic accountability.”

Essay #4 – “Secrecy and Geoengineering as a Weapon of War,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: In reaction to the massive use of weather modification, defoliants, and herbicides such as Agent Orange, as well as other toxic aerosols — directly killing one to 3.5 million Vietnamese, maiming tens of thousands still being born with birth defects, and disrupting the ecology of 40 percent of their land, “reducing dense jungles and mangrove forests to barren wastelands”[11]— the world community created the 1978 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD)…After ENMOD the military-science-industrial research complex went further underground.[13] Two decades later, 9-11 drove it yet deeper underground with the advent of a new, corrosive ethos of perpetual war [14] that again made the words ‘national security’ a supreme state prerogative, an unchallengeable barrier to independent inquiry, and furthered the steady retreat of the mainstream press’s willingness to confront power.”

Essay #5 – “Is Global Warming Good Or Bad? That Depends On Who You Ask,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: “In the 1950s and early 1960s climate-change-geoengineering proposals in both the US and Soviet Union were oriented toward causing global warming for the benefit of human activity, with the melting of the Arctic then the glittering jewel on the geoengineer’s horizon, and a prospect devoutly hoped for by Soviet geoengineers and planners.[7] “Russian opinion has long favored an open Arctic Ocean, and some scientists…believe that the beneficial effects of global warming might ‘pep up’ cold regions…making the country wealthier,” according to historian James R Fleming.[8] In post-Cold-War Russia, this long-standing hope for an ice-free Arctic has grown stronger. In the Arctic-Circle year-round deepwater port of Arkhangelsk, hundreds of miles due north of Moscow on Russia’s White Sea, Vladimir Putin recently told CNBC during the 4th International Arctic Forum that “Climate change brings in more favorable conditions and improves the economic potential of this region.” Putin added, “Today, Russia’s GDP is the result of the economic activity of this region.”[9]

Essay #6 – “Origins of the ‘Climate Change’ Threat to National Security – and the Geoengineering Response,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: Official US governmental recognition of climate change as a matter of national security is at least 45 years old. It is, moreover, a recognition split along two governmental axes: one military, the other civilian. Military recognition publically originated in response to the efforts of Soviet Union geoengineers, who were intrigued by the possibilities of hastening the warming of the Arctic. In 1972 a Department of Defense (DoD) official testified in the Senate that the Soviet Union had developed “a well-organized and extensive program in climate research…[and] that active modification of climate is an objective of this research.” Notably, the official added, “climactic changes are clearly potentially grave threats to national security, and have consequent implications for military planning [emphasis added].” [1]

Essay #7 – “The Geoengineering Prospect – Full Spectrum Dominance,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: It is not possible to grasp the preposterous idea that covert military geoengineering is taking place on a planetary scale without our consent unless we understand its historic context, its roots. What is the cultural, political, even civilizational background that has given rise to the outrageous possibility of deliberately altering — or “dominating” — an entire Earth system, such as the climate, or the ionosphere?

Essay #8 – “Bacon’s Utopia – Part 1,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: “To approach a serious investigation of nature required an entirely new attitude and method of gaining knowledge, as “the subtlety of nature far surpasses the subtlety of sense and intellect.” [19] Bacon had “a vivid appreciation for the role hitherto played in history by technology, and a vivid anticipation of the much greater effect that could be wrought on human life if technology could be made scientific.” [20, emphasis added] To acquire “those two goals of man, knowledge and power…which are chiefly frustrated by ignorance of causes,” [21] men had to “hound nature” [22] using the most recent scientific-technological instruments that did not “merely exert a gentle guidance over nature’s course” but had “the power to shake her to her foundations.” [23]

Essay #9 – “Disinformation and the Origins of the Geoengineering Resistance Movement,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt:  “Contrails, we the people were told, are all that people see, or can see, as no other elements but H2O—water vapor turned to visible ice crystals — exist to be observed coming from jets, military or commercial. This official dictum is “scientific,” hence cannot be questioned. This attitude is of course contrary to the real spirit of science, which involves constant doubt, or skepticism, and requires ceaseless proofs pro and contra in order for knowledge to progress openly in a free, unmilitarized open market—a ‘market’ that has slowly but steadily diminished since the 1940s, like a snake slithering into very dark caverns. [28] “Such official prevarication,” Amy Worthington explained, “only leads to public frustration and mistrust.” [29] Thus arose the present impasse between on-the-ground observers, many of whom attest to becoming ill as a result of heavy or prolonged spraying, and virtually all of officialdom, both civilian—including university experts and environmental “activists”—and military.”

Essay #10 – “California Burning: ‘Ground Zero’ For US Geoengineering,” by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: “What’s going on? Why is California burning? Is it, as we are constantly told, somehow due to global warming? Or are other forces at work?”

Essay #11 – Gottschalk’s Bump: Air Pollution, Global Warming, and the Geoengineering Stakes, by Ian Baldwin

Excerpt: “What can no longer be denied, however, is that deep state tropospheric geoengineering’s principal and most significant result is to warm the planet.”

Original Essay – “The Age Of Geoengineering: Breaking The Sorcerer’s Spell.”

Excerpt: “May my grandchildren live to prosper in this new world.”



Ian Baldwin

I was born in New York City and grew up in then-rural Mt. Kisco, NY, in the 1940s, where I developed a lifelong passion for birds and nature. After graduating from St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH, I attended Columbia University in 1957 and, after taking a year off to travel around the world, graduated in 1962. That year I married and entered the National Guard doing basic training at Fort Dix, NJ. In 1964 I went to work for Holt, Rinehart & Winston, where I became editor of biological sciences in the College Division. In 1964 and 1967 my daughter Sarah and son Benjamin were born. In 1969 I went to work for what is now the Institute for World Policy as publishing director and set up an international publishing program for its pioneering multinational social science research effort called the World Order Models Project.

During the early 1970s I met E F ‘Fritz’ Schumacher, Britain’s great decentralist economist, and helped my friend, the peace and rural-community development activist Bob Swann, organize the British economist’s first US tour. Schumacher left an indelible impact on my life, investing my imagination with the idea that small social, political, and economic organizations had a vital role to play in the future of the planet. In these years I worked as a grant writer for the Environmental Defense Fund and later the National Audubon Society on large-gift fundraising projects. I also earned an MA in psychology from Goddard College, doing an internship at Manhattan Psychiatric Center, and completed two years training as a psychotherapist at the Institute for Expressive Analysis.

In 1980 I remarried and in 1982 left New York for Vermont, where my wife Margo and I co-founded Chelsea Green, specializing in books about gardening, food, agriculture, environment and natural history, and the politics of living sustainably. We raised two children, Angus and Rose. In 1997-98 our family spent an academic year in Oaxaca, where the children learned Spanish and I learned printmaking at the Rufino Tamayo Studio. During the early 2000s I retired from day-to-day management of Chelsea Green, and later co-founded a decentralist-secessionist journal, Vermont Commons: Voices of Independence, with Rob Williams between 2005-2011, when the print version ceased publication. (It continued online as

Since 2005 I noticed peculiar cloud formations and long-lasting ‘contrails’ in the skies. Because I knew this was a subject more or less impenetrable to the layperson, I spared myseIf the trouble of getting involved in understanding it but was finally relieved to be introduced to a nuclear chemist and geoscientist named Marvin Herndon by a mutual friend in 2014. Since 2015, Herndon and I have collaborated via Skype and helped each other write about a subject that is officially called a ‘conspiracy theory’ and subject to either disinformation, silence or ridicule in scientific, political, and corporate media circles. Since 2015, Herndon has either authored or co-authored 21 scientific papers to date (early 2019), many with Mark Whiteside, MD, while I have written 10 as part of an open-ended series, “Our Geoengineering Age,” for Vermont Independent covering the historical military and political roots of covert geoengineering.

Marvin Herndon, PhD

J. Marvin Herndon earned a B.A. degree in physics from the University of California, San Diego and a Ph.D. degree in nuclear chemistry from Texas A&M University. He served a post-doctoral apprenticeship under Nobel Laureate Harold C. Urey and Prof. Dr. Hans E. Suess in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. His discoveries, published in world-class scientific journals, include recognizing that Earth’s early formation as a Jupiter-like gas giant makes it possible to derive virtually all of the geological and geodynamic behavior of our planet, including the origin of mountains characterized by folding, the primary initiation of fjords and submarine canyons, the origin of continents and oceans, ocean floor topography, Earth’s internal compositions, its previously unanticipated and potentially variable energy sources including a Terracentric nuclear fission reactor, the origin of the geomagnetic field, and the origination of petroleum and natural gas deposits. Dr. Herndon revealed the connections between Earth’s origin and the basis of similarities and differences of other planets in our Solar System, how stars including our own ignite, and the reason why the multitude of galaxies display just a few prominent patterns of luminous stars. For the past five years, he has disclosed the composition, consequences, and human and environmental health risks of the near-daily, near-global, undisclosed jet-spraying of particulate matter into the atmosphere. Recently, he discovered that particulate pollution (coal fly ash), not carbon dioxide, is the main cause of global warming. For references, see

Mark Whiteside, MPH

I grew up in North Kansas City, Missouri – son of Presbyterian minister and teacher of visually handicapped, and graduated BA Macalester College (St. Paul, MN) 1972. I studied environmental biology @ Kansas State University, and graduated medical school University of Missouri/Columbia (M.D.) 1977. Did my residency training (internal medicine) in Kalamazoo, MI, fellowship infectious disease Mt. Sinai/Miami Beach, Fl 1980-82, completed Masters of Public Health (MPH) U of Miami (Fl) 1990 – ran Tropical Medicine and Traveler’s Clinic in MiamI (University of Miami and Southeastern Medical School) 1982-87 -practiced medicine (general medicine with focus on HIV/AIDS) in Key West since 1987 – full time Medical Director of the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County since 2007. I still see long-term patients/oversee HIV/AIDS/Epidemiology/ Hepatitis/TB/STD programs and work as part of clinical Health Promotion/Prevention. I have over thirty years experience HIV/AIDS, clinical work and some research, and I have also done research in insect transmitted disease (arboviruses) and other tropical/parasitic diseases.

This year (2019), I’m now 69 – older parent with son Eric 20 (at University of Florida) and daughter Mason 17 (Key West High School) – wife of 22 years, Lilla, is a physical therapist. I’ve always been a naturalist – birder since age 7 – more recent butterflier – current and past President of Florida Keys Audubon Society – I decided in graduate school that birding/ornithology was best as an avocation – not a vocation. I have lived for over twenty years in the same home near Key West International Airport – on the edge of Little Hamaca Park, one of the last extensive “green areas” in Key West.

In recent years I became convinced that life was an electromagnetic process; that we are not just “a bag of chemicals knocking together” (life is a process – not a structure). I was heavily influenced by the late Dr. Robert Becker (see his seminal books Body Electric and Cross Currents) – who proved the existence of direct electric currents in living organisms. About five years ago, I was involved in an informal project measuring weak (microamp range) electrical currents in the FLUIDS of different stages of butterfly development (never believing that chemical reactions in a self-contained “bag of goop” could create a butterfly after just a few days or weeks). This project led me to question many things, including the origin of the earth’s electromagnetic fieldI then came across Marvin’s geo-reactor theory and that was the main reason I reached out to him (in 2016).

Re: geoengineering – I had become aware of the atrocities in our skies only a couple of years before I contacted Marvin – around 2014 – I remember searching for a video clip of Prince talking about chemtrails and eventually finding By the time I contacted Marvin, he had just identified coal fly ash (CFA) as the primary component of these particulate trails. He of course urged me to join him in this critical research, and this turned out to be an excellent collaboration with my background in medicine, public health, and love of the natural world. If I had any doubts about Marvin’s CFA hypothesis, they vanished after I tested rainwater in my own back yard in the summer of 2017. Marvin and I are now engaged in further research, along with our Vermont colleague Ian Baldwin, and trying to break the deadly omerta (code of silence) on this topic while something can still be salvaged – every day I’m witness to the “undeniable reality” of tropospheric aerosol geoengineering (TAG) and its horrific effect on our natural environment – in the words of Dane Wigington, “the greatest threat to the planet short of nuclear war.”

Rob Williams, PhD

A lifetime lover of the outdoors, Dr. Rob Williams earned his B.A. in environmental history from Princeton University (1985) and his M.A. (1995) and Ph.D. (2000) in environmental history from the University of New Mexico. Along with Ian Baldwin, he is the co-founder of the print journal Vermont Commons: Voices of Independence and now Vermont Independent, an online decentralist news journal devoted to championing political resistance and greater resilience for our Green Mountain communities. Long a watcher of the skies, Williams first became aware of geoengineering after reading and editing Ian Baldwin’s initial essay on the subject in 2016, and beginning his own systematic observations of the sky, as well as investigations into the clandestine military history of geoengineering as part of his work in researching “Our Geoengineering Age.” In addition to writing and publishing hundreds of feature stories at Vermont Commons/Independent since 2005, and a wide variety of book chapters on new digital media and communications, Williams has published two books – Most Likely To Secede (Vermont Independence Press, 2012) and Media Education For A Digital Generation (Routledge, 2016). He is currently researching a book about the history of yaks entitled Life By The Horns: The Yak Way – What We Humans Can Learn From This Sexy Beast.


Independent researcher Elana Freeland, based in the Pacific Northwest, who is researching her last of three books on GEOENGINEERING, connects the dots in this recent CA lecture: 1) weather warfare; 2) particle physics; 3) climate modification; 4) geoengineering; 5) 5G telecommunications technology; and 6) the US military industrial complex – accompanied by short videos from Lockheed Martin, Space-X, and other corporate and government players working to roll out a global “Space Fence” “Under an Ionized Sky.”

OVERCAST, one of the better GEOENGINEERING documentaries made in recent years.

March 23, 2021

Our Geoengineering Age (2023)

Publisher’s Note: After years of publishing Vermonter Ian Baldwin’s geopolitical and environmental research on geoengineering, Vermont Independent is pleased to support the creation of Our Geoengineering […]
April 14, 2019

Wikileaks/Assange Updates: The IMF “Enriches” Ecuador, Jimmy Dore on JA, and What’s Up With Greenwald, Scahill, And The Intercept? (DOT CONNEX)

Publisher’s Note: Don’t be fooled by the #RussiaGate conspiracy theorizing with regard to Julian Assange and Wikileaks. As Pulitzer Prize winning former New York Times journalist Chris […]
April 1, 2019

BREAKING NEWS! Vermont Leaves The US, Declares Itself An Independent Republic!

Someone better tell Bernie…
March 27, 2019

The Pentagon F-35 Fighter Comes To Vermont?! (CABIN TALK)

Publisher’s Note: We’ve covered the Pentagon F-35 joint-strike fighter story for ten years. Thanks to Claudia Stauber’s CABIN TALK for keeping us up to date. Free […]
March 16, 2019

EL PREDICAMENTO: Living With “The Sixth Great Extinction” + “The Age Of The Anthropocene” (ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY / “RE-WILDING”)

Publisher’s note: Vermont Independent traveled off the grid in Chile’s newly created 10 million acre Patagonia Parque Nacionale this past week, scouting service trips for Trek Relief, and […]
March 7, 2019

From Greenride To Gotcha: Electric Bike and Scooter Share Coming to Burlington For Summer 2019 (VT TRANSPO)

Burlington, Vermont sits atop a steep hill overlooking the sparkling deep blue water of Lake Champlain and the majestic Appalachian Mountains. While the view is spectacular, […]
March 4, 2019

“Imprisoning The Heroes” – Jim Hogue Interviews CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou (DEEP STATE)

Publisher’s Note: Thanks to intrepid Vermont historian and indy media voice Jim Hogue for this exclusive interview with CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou. Much to be gleaned […]
February 24, 2019

Geoengineering: Not A “Conspiracy Theory” – Congressional Bill HR 2977 Sought To Ban “Chemtrails” As A Space Weapon

Publisher’s Note: Vermont Independent readers who have taken the time to read and digest our 10 installment “Our Geoengineering Age” series, written by VI co-founder Ian […]
February 14, 2019

New England Farmer Bryan O’Hara: Geoengineering’s Impact On His Farm (WITH PHOTOS)

Ian Baldwin, “Our Geoengineering Age” lead researcher and writer, shared with us with this “Vegetable Culture: A Presentation of the Practical Details” talk, given by Connecticut […]
February 9, 2019

Planetary Resonance, Geoengineering, and Lockheed Martin’s “Space Fence” (GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT)

Publisher’s note: We are continuing to work on connecting the dots between the rollout of 5G (millimeter wave technology) tele-communications network, Earth’s geomagnetic spectrum, the geoengineering […]
February 6, 2019

The US Empire’s “Space Fence,” Under An Ionized Sky (GEOENGINEERING)

Publisher’s note: We’ve reviewed Elana Freeland’s two books on geoengineering here, in addition to our years of work researching and publishing our featured multi-essay series “Our […]
January 28, 2019

US Empire v. Venezuela: Trump’s Attempted Coup D’Etat In Context (INDY NEWS)

Publisher’s Note: Given the US Empire’s pervasive “news” media propaganda re: current economic and political realities on the ground in Venezuela, here are some indy news […]