Let’s connect some dots here.

First, take a close look at this recent Craig’s List post inviting “crisis actors” to apply for paid work here in Vermont at Camp Ethan Allen and Camp Johnson.


Next, ask yourself what the hell is going on in the Green Mountains, that we need “crisis actors” to play their parts…?


Finally, consider these insights from Mad River Valley’s Gaelan Brown.


I stumbled across some important wisdom today from a nameless friend.

Out on the Navajo Rez, the Indians were always very hesitant to participate in school fire drills, believing that the ‘acting out’ of a drill only served to increase the chance of an actual fire happening.

In reading Laurens Van der Post’ account of his travels in the Kalahari to meet with the surviving Bushman culture, Van der Post recalls how impossible it was for the Afrikaners to get the Bushman to act out a small ‘skit’, not because they couldn’t act, but because they understood the implications of acting out an untruth and the inherent power of psychodrama to shape events in the material world of time/space.

To the Navajo mind, the ‘drill’ itself was the problem, not the fire.

But the Powers-That-Be have managed to take the idea of a fire drill to a whole new level. Now we have everything from zombie drills, shooter drills, bomb drills and dozens more I am not even aware of.

Psychodrama has never been so much fun!


Maybe the intentions of the PTB with the drills are a little more subtle?

As Michael Hoffman states in his seminal book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare,
“The issue of controlling humanity with esoteric words and symbols a play a media spectacular or ritual is one of the most difficult for people to comprehend. That is why people are viewed with utter contempt as “rowans,” “the profane,” “the gentiles” and the “goyim” by secret society initiates.”

The Craig list advertisement says it all:

“It’s very simple and fun! You just need to wear sweats and sneakers (comfortable clothes) with a bathing suit or spandex or compressions underneath and have a valid Federal or State ID (Drivers License, Passport, etc) and leave all valuables at home. Once you arrive, you will get a ride in a military tactical vehicle to the training site, you will be assigned an injury and makeup/costume artists will get you into character (you will pretty much look like a “Zombie”!). You will then act out the injury and a military medical team will tend to you for their training purposes. Lots of fun! Breakfast, Lunch, Coffee, Drinks and Water will be provided FREE.

Call me paranoid, but this drill shit is bad medicine.

Gaelan Brown is an energy expert based on central Vermont, and reports regularly on “bad medicine.”



July 12, 2016

Drilling in Vermont: On Psychodrama, “Crisis Acting,” and Our Zombie Nation

Let’s connect some dots here. First, take a close look at this recent Craig’s List post inviting “crisis actors” to apply for paid work here in […]
July 12, 2016

S is for “Sheepdog,” and Democracy Is Bern’ing.

Let’s be honest. We all knew Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign would come to this. And, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter either […]
July 5, 2016

From “Brexit” to “Vexit” – The Twin Myths of Cosmopolitanism and Efficiency, from an Independent Vermont

Thanks to THE ATLANTIC and POLITICO for reporting on Plan V – our blueprints for a 2nd Vermont Republic – in the wake of the Brexit. […]
June 27, 2016

Vermont Independence on the Vermont RADIO Airwaves

Thanks to WGDR radio host Jim Hogue for hosting us last week for a wide-ranging 90 minute conversation on the past, present, and future of Vermont […]
June 13, 2016

Vermont’s Howard Dean Hints At Secession and a 2nd Vermont Republic

We passed on a copy of our Most Likely To Secede book to Democratic Party stalwart, 2004 presidential candidate, and DP super-delegate Howard Dean one year […]
June 10, 2016

Why Zombie? Part Two: Where Do Zombies Come From?

Unlike other horror film themes which induce the audience to fear for the ‘innocents’ being killed through wanton violence by, say, a serial killer, the zombie genre, along with the vampire and werewolf genres, are more complex. When attacked by a zombie, a vampire or a werewolf, the victim is not only a victim but, after a period of gestation, also becomes a victimizer. In this sense, each of these monsters are all excellent metaphors to explain the plight of people who believe they live in a fundamentally, irreversibly corrupt or, to use a Judeo-Christian term, “Fallen” world – especially during the nihilistic epoch of Neoliberal global capitalism.
June 2, 2016

Leaving the Vermont House: “Good luck, stay vigilant, and try to love your neighbors.”

I will not be seeking reelection to continue to serve Barnard, Pomfret, and Hartford in the Vermont House. I find myself in the same predicament many […]
May 4, 2016

Fish, On: Seeking Vermont’s Mysterious Brook Trout

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April 12, 2016

ReSOURCE Burlington: An #Unlearning Business in the Heart of Vermont’s Queen City

Burlington, Vermont undoubtedly hosts a variety of businesses, many of which encourage rapid and thoughtless consumption. But hidden among name brand retailers and developed shopping centers […]
March 17, 2016

Vermont-based Rebellion Gains Traction During 2016 Presidential Campaigns (WCAX NEWS)

BURLINGTON, Vt. – Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders began his current campaign calling for a revolution, one he argues will lead to sweeping political change within the United […]
March 13, 2016

PLAN V: Declaring Independence in Bernie’s Vermont

According to mainstream media outlets, many Americans are thinking about "Plan B" googling "move to Canada" or "immigrating abroad." The "Plan B" panic is what prompted journalist J.D. Thomason to prepare his short film for Northview. Thomason says, "I figured, in Vermont people had the idea that you can leave the country from the comfort of your own home, so forget 'Plan 'B' (moving abroad); let's talk about Plan V."
March 4, 2016

Bernie Sanders and Vermont’s UVM Millennials: Perfect Together?

Burlington, Vermont sits in the far north of New England, a liberal oasis in a sea of rural Vermont paleo-conservatism. Nestled in the Champlain Valley, a certain type of person? is called to this little city of roughly 42,000 people. The folks? who answer this calling generally congregate at the six collegiate-level schools in the city, one of these schools being the University of Vermont.