2VR-6-7Kudos to the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) for pushing Vermonters to think more deeply about the relationship between fossil fuel energy and our Commons. To wit – why not charge the giant energy companies “rent” for using our collective Commons as a “sink” for the toxic byproducts of oil burning, and use the monies collected to fund new more renewable alternatives and conservation efforts in our once-and-future Vermont republic? More here in this exclusive interview with VPIRG’s Ben Walsh. For more revolutionary reading, check out our new issue of “Green Mountain Noise” online. Free Vermont, and long live the Untied States!

May 26, 2015

New Directions for Vermont’s Energy Commons (OIL RENT)

Kudos to the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) for pushing Vermonters to think more deeply about the relationship between fossil fuel energy and our Commons. […]