Publisher’s Note: Jimmy Dore talks with Florida professor of law and political candidate Tim Canova about his 2016 and 2018 bids for FLA public office, the rank corruption of Broward County’s political process, and what it reveals about “elective dysfunction” in the US as a whole. Dore and Canova wonder out loud about why Vermont’s Bernie Sanders has remained completely silent on the 2016 Democratic Primaries, when the corporate Clintonistas shredded Bernie’s successful insurgent campaign – death by 1,000 cuts. #FeelTheBern – we covered the 2016 story and Election Justice USA’s 110 page “Democracy Lost” report here.

February 18, 2019

“Electile Dysfunction” Is US (JDS+FLA’s TIM CANOVA)

Publisher’s Note: Jimmy Dore talks with Florida professor of law and political candidate Tim Canova about his 2016 and 2018 bids for FLA public office, the […]