Publisher’s Note: Thanks to Vermonter Amy Hornblas for conducting the Vermont Mask Survey as a public health research project – final report available now. 

Contact: Amy Hornblas

Vermont Mask Survey

P.O. Box 55

Marshfield, VT 05658



Vermont Mask Survey Exposes Severe Health Risks

CABOT, VERMONT (June 7, 2021) – For the past year the Vermont Mask Survey has been collecting evidence from across the state which proves that wearing masks is causing people to experience symptoms of oxygen deprivation and other expected difficulties. This month the author has released the Final Report which not only shares data from the Vermont Mask Survey, but also from other relevant surveys, studies, and warnings from experts at leading institutions and publications in the field.

Since the 1970’s, there have been OSHA standards in place to protect employees who wear respiratory protection, such as ½ face dust masks, from the harmful effects of restricted breathing. The report cites numerous studies which demonstrate that prolonged use of respirators, even by “healthy” health care workers, can be dangerous.

Vermonters of all ages and abilities have been required to wear masks for the past year without any protections or training. Last July health educator Amy Hornblas began conducting a statewide survey out of concern about the obvious impacts they can have on health. It appears to be the only attempt in the state so far to assess the health implications of this mandated medical intervention.

Results of the Vermont Mask Survey provide evidence that people in our state are experiencing the following difficulties: people with pre-existing conditions are not able to access basic services, people with hearing impairment are unable to communicate with others, pre-existing conditions (such as PTSD, asthma, COPD and heart conditions) are being exacerbated, and masks cause a drop in blood oxygen during pregnancy. Patients are being required to wear masks, even with an oxygen requirement. Employers have become responsible for enforcement, and some are resorting to punitive measures, such as fines and disciplinary actions for employees who “cheat to breath.” Construction workers who require respiratory protection are not able to find the respirators they need. Pro-longed use increases the risks, and most of the employees who responded to the survey report they are required to wear masks 4-5 days a week for 5-8+ hours at a time.

The Final Report begins by describing the respiratory system and the importance of unrestricted breathing. Much of this section is taken directly from the original OSHA inspector manual. The manual explains why understanding biology is critical to supervising the use of masks. Oxygen deprivation and high carbon dioxide in the body can cause serious short and long-term consequences. The levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide available beneath the masks is below and above, respectively, the safe levels set by OSHA, the report explains.

The Vermont Mask Survey’s Final Report contains 150 references from the most respected sources available as evidence that the potential of long-term mental, physical, and social health consequences is a valid concern, demonstrated clearly in the research. The report includes a timeline of their current use in community settings, definitions of the types and their approved uses, the safety of masks (including concerns about contaminants), and particular considerations around their use by young people and people with pre-existing conditions. The discussion assesses the current climate of bias and censorship about the issue, reviews evidence of their effectiveness, and the need for a cost/benefit analysis.

Just as with smoking tobacco 100 years ago, Hornblas worries that if the media and public officials continue to deny the existence of harms caused by masks, it will be possible to continue to justify their use. Recently, the governor updated his mask mandate to require their use only by those who are not vaccinated, including children, despite the fact that their safety in community settings has not been established, and evidence of the dangers is growing.

The Vermont Mask Survey Final Report concludes by encouraging a full assessment of the effectiveness and safety of using masks in community settings so that we can prevent and mitigate the harms. The author hopes it will serve as a reference guide to support and inspire those who would like to assist in this process, whether they are decision-makers, bystanders, or on the front lines.

The Vermont Mask Survey Final Report is available at:

June 9, 2021

Masking Vermonters: The Survey (PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH)

Publisher’s Note: Thanks to Vermonter Amy Hornblas for conducting the Vermont Mask Survey as a public health research project – final report available now.  Contact: Amy […]