Publisher’s Note: It seems clear that the official Climate Change Narrative (in a nutshell –>anthropogenic greenhouse gas (i.e. carbon and methane) emissions are causing catastrophic planetary warming) – must be challenged, given the ways in which “climate change” is now being used to usher in the Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and systemic transformations in all forms of human (and non human) life.

Here are a compilation of resources worth considering, in the spirit of dialogue and debate. We’ve reported on this story for years – and we suggest plenty of other resources, as well. Start here.

Read retired USN scientist Wallace Manheimer’s article here. 







  1. Overhyping previous “climate crises” – global cooling, acid rain, ozone layer depletion – all of which have proved to be exaggerated or unfounded;
  1. Dismissing of the myriad benefits of oil/fossil fuels by climate activists;
  1. Refusing to acknowledge that oil/fossil fuel use significantly mitigates the effects of “climate emergencies”;
  1. Ignoring the dramatic decline of “deaths from extreme weather events”;
  1. Pretending that solar and wind technologies, while useful/supplemental, are unable to replace oil/fossil fuel energy as a primary energy driver of human civilization after more than fifty years of innovation by the solar and wind industries;
  1. Using, disingenuously, the Holocene Period’s coldest geological period as an inaccurate starting point for measuring rising temperatures across the planet;
  1. Manipulating surface temperature readings to counter satellite readings, which indicate no significant warming;
  1. Exaggerating the “scientific consensus” and “scientific studies” re: “climate change” via the United Nations’ (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and uncritically deploying said “consensus” and said “studies” for years via selected “experts” and “news” outlets;
  1. Covering up the IPCC’s raw data and methodologies, and blocking scientists skeptical of the UN/IPCC “climate change” narrative from publishing their critiques in peer-reviewed scientific journals (“Climategate”);
  1. Altering IPCC reports – after scientists wrote and approved final texts – to remove scientific skepticism regarding claims thar human activities are having major impact on our climate;
  1. Ignoring a fifteen year period of no significant warming (1998-2013), despite a 7% rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels;
  1. Denying the deceleration of the “global warming” tend since 1951, despite a 26% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels;
  1. Forgetting that the earth’s atmosphere cooled very slightly from 1950-1985, and again from 1997-2015, while carbon dioxide (CO2) levels dramatically increased;
  1. Not acknowledging the “Medieval Climate Anomaly,” a period of time in which historical temperature reconstructions indicate past temperatures proved as high as recent temperatures in some regions;
  1. Ignoring that the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras experienced long periods where carbon dioxide (CO2) levels were much higher than they are today while temperatures proved far colder;
  1. Denying that recent IPCC’s recent estimates of the transient climate response (TCR = the climate estimate for the remainder of the 21st century) falls within the range of natural climate variations over the past six million years;
  1. Denying the research indicating that the planet has witnessed no increases in droughts or tropical cyclone activity during the past four decades;
  1. Forgetting that Antarctic sea ice content actually increased between 1979 and 2021, contradicting global circulation models (GCMs);
  1. Failing to consider the myriad benefits of planetary warming (i.e. increased plant life, and the ‘greening’ of our planet, etc.);
  1. Not acknowledging the fact that there is no known optimal or ‘natural” global temperature, even if global temperatures could ever accurately be measured, which is doubtful;
April 7, 2023

Climate Change Catastrophism – “How Dare You!” (DEEP DIVE)

Publisher’s Note: It seems clear that the official Climate Change Narrative (in a nutshell –>anthropogenic greenhouse gas (i.e. carbon and methane) emissions are causing catastrophic planetary […]
June 30, 2021

COVIDtopia: 10 Truths About Viral Tyranny, Health Freedom, and Human Destiny In An Age of Planetary Techno-Fascism (FREE INTERACTIVE E-BOOK)

Publisher’s Note: As Vermont moves into Autumn 2021 and the CDC signals that the COVIDtopians once again will be cranking up their Vaccine Voodoo Program, we update for […]
June 23, 2021

Viral Tyranny, Transhumanism, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (UNLIMITED HANGOUT)

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April 13, 2021

COVIDtopia: “Parsing The Plandemic” (NEW BOOK – INTRODUCTION)

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March 4, 2021

“Silicon Icarus”: COVID As Catalyst For A Data-Driven TransHumanist Future (MINT PRESS NEWS)

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January 26, 2021

“Digital Vaccines” And Cybernetic Transformation (CYBORG HORIZON: THE GAMIFICATION OF HUMANITY)

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January 23, 2021

COVID Is Catalyzing US Towards The 4th Industrial Revolution’s Great Reset: What To Do? (WORLD FREEDOM ALLIANCE)

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December 20, 2020

“US Governments’ COVID Policies Deliberately Destroying 1/3 Of Economy” (THE GREAT RESET)

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December 15, 2020

US SElection 2020: Deja Vu All Over Again, Plus a “Great Reset” (ANTI FRAGILE V. COVID EMPIRE)

Publisher’s Note: We’ve covered US imperial election theft and fraud since 2005. First, the good news – many Vermonters voted with pen and paper ballots, their […]
October 27, 2020

“The Great Purge” Is Underway (BYTE BURNING)

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