
Purchase your 2VR flags, stickers, coins, books, passports and other merchandise at our STORE. Long live the 2nd Vermont Republic and the UNtied States of America!



December 15, 2016

Merry, Merry! Vermont Independence Merch for Holidays 2016!

Purchase your 2VR flags, stickers, coins, books, passports and other merchandise at our STORE. Long live the 2nd Vermont Republic and the UNtied States of America! […]
December 11, 2016

Congress’ Orwellian CDPA: Remember the First Amendment?!

First Amendment rights are America’s most precious. Without them, all others are endangered. Post-9/11, police state laws destroyed fundamental US constitutional rights, remaining ones eroding toward […]
November 10, 2016

Trump’ing the Empire, Kickstarting a 2nd Vermont Republic: Interposition, Nullification, and Secession

Donald J. Trump’s victory has laid bare the U.S. of Empire. Encouraged to run as a “fringe candidate” by the neoliberal Clintonistas (who threw the populist […]
November 8, 2016

Plan V for Vermont. Meme On.

November 4, 2016


“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their People.” – V Publisher’s Note: On the eve of the historic 2016 U.S. […]
October 31, 2016

“The Mad Farmer, Flying the Flag of Rough Branch, Secedes from the Union,” by Wendell Berry

There is only one of him, but he goes. He returns to the small country he calls home, His own nation small enough to walk across. […]
October 30, 2016

Harwood Strong: Five Stars Remembered In Vermont’s Mad River Valley

Publisher’s Note: Our Mad River Valley community has had a rugged three weeks, ever since learning the horrible news of the tragic deaths of five of […]
October 26, 2016

Presidential “Election” 2016: A Fascist Farce, and a Plan V Alternative

Publisher’s Note: Yah, we know. The 2VR banned DT from visiting the Green Mountains months ago, and we’ve refused to even talk about his campaign – […]
October 26, 2016

Vermont Gov Candidate Champions a 2nd Vermont Republic on Televised WPTZ Debate

WPTZ TV hosted a gubernatorial debate last night. Democrat Sue Minter, Republican Phil Scott, and Liberty Union Party candidate and former Red Sox all-star pitcher Bill […]
October 22, 2016

Project Censored 2017: News You Can Use

Throughout its 40-year history, Project Censored has covered a lot of ground that the corporate mainstream media has missed. Begun by Carl Jensen, a sociology professor […]
October 21, 2016

Vax’ing Eloquent: Vermonters Put The MMR Vaccine Under The Microscope

NOTE: Visit www.voicesforchoice.com for detailed information and tickets re: “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe” at 9 screenings around the once-and-future Republic of Vermont. Drop the phrase […]
October 21, 2016

Rebecca Hougher On Sovereignty, Secession and Independence

Join WGDR radio’s Jim Hogue for a provocative interview with Rebecca Hougher exploring personal sovereignty, state secession, and independence.