“The Space Age began with the necessity of dominating airspace, the near space around the Earth, and weather. Military research into weather control was kept quiet throughout the Cold War while dire warnings about a “little ice age,” “greenhouse gases,” “desertification,” then “extreme weather,” “global warming,” and “climate change” due to carbons were released to keep the dollars flowing, along with showcasing international conferences packed with Ph.Ds recommending expensive “solutions” under the rubric of geoengineering, the intentional human-directed manipulation of the Earth’s climatic systems.”

                                 – Elana Freeland, Under An Ionized Sky (2018)

Two years ago, spurred on by our co-founder Ian Baldwin, Vermont Independent began to research a strange and emerging atmospheric phenomenon known as “geoengineering.”

Since spring 2016, our small Vermont Independent research team has read countless books, research reports, government documents, patents, and popular articles on the subject, and we have begun a sustained conversation about geoengineering with concerned citizens, scientists, public health providers, and researchers around the world.

(An aside – some readers may be familiar with the term “chemtrails,” a word now associated with so-called “conspiracy theory,” itself a phrase invented and weaponized by the C.I.A. in the mid-1960s to marginalize critical askers of uncomfortable questions. We use the term “geoengineering” here.)

Perhaps the most accessible and systemic single “go to” source on the subject of geoengineering is researcher Elana Freeland. Based out of Olympia, Washington, Freeland has degrees in biology, creative writing, and historiography, and has pursued multiple careers as a (ghost) writer, lecturer, storyteller, novelist, and teacher. She has published two books on geoengineering – Chemtrails, HAARP, And The Full Specrum Domionance of Planet Earth, and her new book Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails To Space Fence Lockdown, both with Feral House publishing, with a third book focusing on nanotechnology and transhumanism in the works.

To our readers skeptical of geoengineering, we understand, and we direct you first to “Our Geoengineering Age” series, an essay in 8 parts (with another 8 in the pipeline).

Together, Freeland’s two volumes represent the single most comprehensive AND accessible geoengineering research effort to date, and any attempt to try and sketch out her detailed analysis is doomed to failure. In a nutshell, as Ian Baldwin succinctly summarizes, Freeland’s argument is this:

The U.S. military-industrial-science complex is using both chemical and wave energy to create a planetary technological infrastructure to control the weather (control=weaponize) and human beings (including their powers of thought). This infrastructure is land, sea, air, and space-based, existing in an envelope possibly 600 miles thick, concentrated especially at the latitudes of the equator.

To those readers who think this sounds fantastical, please find and read her two vital books.

In the meantime, what we’ve done here, based on our many months of work, is to capture ten important takeaways re: geoengineering, including our conversations with Freeland.

Here they are.

1) Geoengineering is real.

Look up. Watch our skies.

The regular and sustained use of “chemtrails” (a term that has appeared in United States Air Force (USAF) chemistry training manuals) in the skies above us is the most visible sign of “geoengineering,” and a regular reminder that we Vermonters (and all Americans) live in a United States that has become an Empire.

So. Again. Look up. Study our skies. Daily.

Read. Research. Connect the dots.

Trust what you see.

Especially you older and wiser citizens, who remember what a REAL sky, natural clouds, and authentic weather used to look like.

Our Country is now an Empire.

And our Sky, our Commons, is under assault.

2) Geoengineering has a history.

“Project Cirrus.”

“Operation “Large Area Coverage.”

“Project Storm Fury.”

“Operation Dew.”

“Project 112.”

“Operation Popeye.”

“Project Clover Leaf.”

These are but seven of the dozens of “geoengineering” projects that have been quietly deployed in our skies since the 1940s, by players within the U.S. government and the military-industrial complex.

Geoengineering is real, and geoengineering has a history.

3) Geongineering is well documented.

Thousands of pages about geoengineering in U.S. government records.

Dozens of geoengineering patents granted and recorded by the US patent office.

Scientific data (not theoretical computer modeling, mind you, but actual regular measurement of our soils, our water, and our forests) painstakingly collected, evaluated and shared by citizen scientists.

All of these can easily be found in the public record.

Geoengineering is real, geoengineering has a history, and geoengineering is well documented.

4) Geoengineering has specific goals (The 6 Cs).

“C4” is “PentagonSpeak” for





Add “Climate Change” (in quotations).

Add “Cyborgs.”

Trans-humanism through nanotechnology.

The fusing of Humans and Machines.

The “Natural” and the “Technological.”

“Intelligence Augmentation,” in addition to “AI – Artificial Intelligence.”

These are six primary goals sought by the geoengineers.

“Ionize” space.

Place “plasma” over our Planet.

Dual Use – civilian and military – capability.

The High Altitude Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP).

Now (near) global.

Space Fence “lockdown.”

Geoengineering is real, geoengineering has a history, geoengineering is well documented, and geoengineering has specific goals.

5) Geoengineering is part of a much larger and more comprehensive U.S. military program.

The U.S. government’s decades-old and publicly stated desire to master “weather warfare” and “climate control” is part of the Pentagon’s plan for “full spectrum dominance.”

A “Revolution In Military Affairs.” (RMA).

Underway now for two decades.

Geoengineering is real, geoengineering has a history, geoengineering is well documented, geoengineering has specific goals, and geoengineering is part of a much larger military program.

6) Geoengineering has deleterious effects on life and living systems.

Aluminum. Barium. Strontium.

Nano particulates. Biological matter.

Pumped into our skies.

Begin here.

Find citizen scientist Clifford Carnicom.

And here.

Seek out geophysicist Marvin Herndon.

And read Elana Freeland’s two books. Closely.

Study her footnotes.

Chase down her documents. (Thank you, Internet and public libraries.)

Geoengineering is real, geoengineering has a history, geoengineering is well documented, geoengineering has specific goals, geoengineering is part of a much larger military program, and geoengineering is deleterious to life and living systems.

7) Geoengineering is a planetary phenomenon.

Find a Facebook group tracking “chemtrails” or “geoengineering” with a global focus.

Join the group and begin looking at their posted images.

Listen to their emerging conversations.

Connect the dots.

Geoengineering is real, geoengineering has a history, geoengineering is well documented, geoengineering has specific goals, geoengineering is part of a much larger military program, geoengineering is deleterious to life and living systems, and geoengineering is a planetary phenomenon.

8) Geoengineering is beginning to be challenged by citizens around the world.

From the state of Rhode Island to the island of Cyprus, citizens are waking up and beginning to organize.

Attend the annual STOP GEOENGINEERING NOW summit in Tucson, Arizona on May 12, 2018.

Geoengineering is real, geoengineering has a history, geoengineering is well documented, geoengineering has specific goals, geoengineering is part of a much larger military program, geoengineering is deleterious to life and living systems, geoengineering is a planetary phenomenon, and geoengineering is beginning to be challenged by citizens around the world.

9) Geoengineering should be subject to vigorous public debate.

Goes without saying.

But it hasn’t yet happened. Much.

This must change.

Geoengineering is real, geoengineering has a history, geoengineering is well documented, geoengineering has specific goals, geoengineering is part of a much larger military program, geoengineering is deleterious to life and living systems, geoengineering is a planetary phenomenon, geoengineering is beginning to be challenged by citizens around the world, and geoengineering should be subject to vigorous public debate.

10) Geoengineering must be stopped.

How? Begin now.

Take care of yourself. Daily. Sleep. Eat. Drink. Exercise. As naturally as you can.




Planetary citizenship.

Thinking globally, acting locally.

Nonviolent opposition to the Empire.

Nonviolent secession in support of our Commons.

Save our Skies. Free Vermont.

And if you want to join our Vermont Independent Sky Watchers network, be in touch.


April 6, 2018

“Under An Ionized Sky” – Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (BOOKS REVIEW)

“The Space Age began with the necessity of dominating airspace, the near space around the Earth, and weather. Military research into weather control was kept quiet […]
March 24, 2018

Catalan Separatist: Swiss Model Alternative to Secession (Vermont Agrees!)

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March 19, 2018

WORLD PREMIERE! “Beyond Empire: Visions Of A People’s Republic” (GREEN MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL)

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March 7, 2018

Vermont Town Meeting Day 2018: A “Space For Communal Liberty” (DIRECT DEMOCRACY)

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March 7, 2018

US Empire Collapse and a 2nd Vermont Republic: 7 Ways To Prepare (MEDIUM)

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March 4, 2018

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Vermont’s Annual Town Meeting Day: Where Every Citizen Is A Legislator (DIRECT DEMOCRACY)

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February 22, 2018

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February 22, 2018

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February 19, 2018

“New York Times” Readers: 27% Vote YES on STATE SECESSION (FEB 2018 POLL)

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February 17, 2018

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