It’s official.

The Pentagon announced this summer that the US Empire is “collapsing.”

Their solution to this troublesome news?


“More surveillance, more propaganda (‘strategic manipulation of perceptions’) and more military expansionism.”

The document above makes for eye-opening reading, taking us into the heart of the US military/industrial /financial/”terror” complex. This report, according to our colleagues at Insurge Intelligence, “was published in June by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute to evaluate the DoD’s approach to risk assessment at all levels of Pentagon policy planning. The study was supported and sponsored by the U.S. Army’s Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate; the Joint Staff, J5 (Strategy and Policy Branch); the Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Develop­ment; and the Army Study Program Management Office.”

We urge our readers to take a few minutes and bring themselves up to speed on our US imperial situation.

Our solution to the impending collapse of the US Empire’s here in the emerging 2nd Vermont Republic?

Plan “V”!

Here’s a taste:

Imagine peace.

Secure civil liberties.

Small towns, small farms, and small businesses.

“Human Scale” – community life lived in face-to-face contact with neighbors.

Awe-inspiring yet inhabitable landscapes – mountains and meadows, streams and forests, lakes and rivers – collectively managed as “commons” with enough room for all creatures.

Decentralized renewable energy networks powered by water, wind and sunlight.

Affordable public financing for Vermont’repreneurs, enterprising farmers, and aspiring students.

Healthy locally grown food.

Child-centered public education.

A well-trained and well-armed citizenry, providing for “homestead security” and the common defense.

Basic health care for all.

Democratic debate, decentralized decision-making, and government transparency embedded in our “town meeting” tradition, with every Vermont citizen a legislator.

“Live and let live tolerance” for all citizens of good will, regardless of race, religion, caste, or color.

A local food revolution – featuring some of the world’s tastiest cheese, ice cream, maple syrup, organic vegetables, grass-fed meats, and craft beers.

Imagine a 2nd Vermont Republic (2VR), right here in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

To create our 2VR, we have only one viable option.

Vermonters must peaceably secede from the United States of Empire.

The 2017 Vermonter poll, conducted by the University of Vermont’s Center for Rural Studies, indicates that more than 20% of Vermonters now believe that the time has come to consider the creation of a 2nd Vermont Republic.

Let’s look at what nonviolent secession and the creation of a 2VR mean.

Free Vermont, and long live the UNtied States!

July 21, 2017

Pentagon Announces US Empire Is “Collapsing” (Insurge Intelligence)

It’s official. The Pentagon announced this summer that the US Empire is “collapsing.” Their solution to this troublesome news? Surprise! “More surveillance, more propaganda (‘strategic manipulation […]
July 19, 2017

The Future of Vermont Agriculture (LIVE on WGDR)

WGDR radio host, Ethan Allen impersonator, and 2VR champion Jim Hogue talks with former Vermont Secretary of Agriculture Roger Albee about the future of Vermont agriculture […]
July 7, 2017

Trump and #Vexit – A Decentralist Perspective

Trump is a decentralist dream. Let’s hope he succeeds in destroying the federal government. Then we can start over where the Articles of Confederation left off […]
June 16, 2017

Vermont’s Bernie Sanders: “Sheepdog” for US Empire (Black Agenda Report)

“The United States is the imperial superpower, the main military aggressor on the planet. Its rulers must be deprived of the political ability to spend trillions […]
June 13, 2017

Origins of the ‘Climate Change’ Threat to National Security – and the Geoengineering Response. (OUR GEOENGINEERING AGE, PART 6)

Publisher’s Note: This is the sixth installment in our geoengineering series. Our skies are our most visible and vital global Commons, and they are under siege […]
June 10, 2017

The Retro Future, by John Michael Greer (BOOK REVIEW)

“’Progress’ is just a label for whatever choices happen to have been made by governments and corporations, with or without input from the rest of us.” […]
June 6, 2017

Designing a 2nd Vermont Republic: Our New Plan “V” Pamphlet!

Plan “V” – Designing a 2nd Vermont Republic (2VR) The case for an UNtied States and a 2nd Vermont Republic (2VR), in 5,000 words. The perfect […]
June 4, 2017

Is “Global Warming” Good or Bad? That Depends on Whom You Ask. (OUR GEOENGINEERING AGE, PART 5)

Publisher’s Note: This is the fifth installment in our series on geoengineering. Our skies are our most visible and vital global Commons, and they are under […]
May 13, 2017

Secede – From What? US of Empire and Plan ‘V” for a 2VR (INDY RADIO)

Always a pleasure yakking with Jim Hogue about Vermont independence on WGDR. Listen here. Free Vermont, and long live the UNtied States!
May 10, 2017


In the early stages of the industrial revolution, it wasn’t clear whether the main source of power would be water wheels or steam engines. The advantage […]
May 8, 2017

Secrecy And Geoengineering As A Weapon Of War (Our Geoengineering Age, Part 4)

Publisher’s Note: This is the fourth installment in our series on geoengineering. Our skies are our most visible and vital global Commons, and they are under […]
May 7, 2017

STANDING ROCK CONCLUSION: Just Like the Earth, Demonstrators Rely on Interconnectivity (#NODAPL/5)

Publisher’s Note: This is the 5th and final installment in our series exploring how the mainstream corporate commercial US media misrepresented 10,000 #NoDAPL peaceful water protectors […]