Donate and share our PLAN ‘V’ film fundraiser here.

Sign and share our 2VR petition here.

Help us imagine and build a 2nd Vermont Republic.


1. FINANCE: Establishing a Vermont Public Bank or equivalent public financial mechanisms to promote expanded access to credit, support for entrepreneurial initiatives, and job creation for Vermonters.

2. FUEL: Powering a Vermont-wide decentralized town-by-town networked electricity grid by harvesting renewable energy from participating Vermont businesses and residences, and aggressively promoting public transportation alternatives to the current fossil fuel status quo.

3. FOOD: Growing Vermont’s diverse working landscape by legalizing hemp and cannabis, making credit available for young agri’preneurs interested in expanding Vermont’s agricultural opportunities, and promoting permaculture techniques for more resilient Green Mountain communities.

4. EDUCATION: Promoting personalized learning plans (PLPs) for every Vermont pupil, and creating a “communiversity” in every Vermont high school supporting citizen-taught courses in self-improvement, community resilience, and civic participation. Supporting free education for all Vermont citizens through 12th grade, and affordable public college and graduate school education.

5. GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY: Combining new digital tools with traditional Vermont “town meeting” democracy to create more open, participatory and transparent governance at the local and state level.

6. ELECTION INTEGRITY: Protecting and expanding the time-honored Vermont town tradition of voting through hand-counted paper ballots in full public view by local boards of civil authority.

7. SURVEILLANCE-FREE CITIZENRY: Championing legislation banning all forms of corporate and state electronic surveillance in Vermont, including the use of spy drones and the illegal monitoring of Vermonters’ private electronic correspondence (including but not limited to email, text and phone messages), as well as exploring encryption options for the protection and privacy of all Vermont citizens’ electronic information.

8. PUBLIC ELECTION FINANCING: Supporting “rank choice voting” for elections, and outlawing private campaign contributions and dedicating an annual 2 dollars per Vermonters to two separate public trust election accounts – one maintained by the county ($1) and the other by the state ($1) – with the fund being divided into equal parts for each eligible candidate running for public office, ensuring that elections are powered by ideas, rather than money.

9. HOMESTEAD SECURITY: Supporting Vermont’s tradition of hunter safety by promoting appropriate training and safe use of firearms for Vermont’s citizenry.

10. COMMONS CREATION: Advocating the creation and maintenance of a Vermont “Commons” to protect all that we Vermonters share in common: our air, our water, our land, and our property, both individual and communal.

11. ECOLOGICAL INTEGRITY: Affirming that Vermont’s natural environment is the basis of the unique high quality life we enjoy, and protecting the integrity of our natural communities, ecosystems, waters, climate, air, land and soils, plants, and wildlife. Championing the “precautionary principle” to guide development decisions, and for fully funding protection and restoration measures already enacted.

12. “SANCTUARY NATION”: Protecting civil liberties and promoting “live and let live” tolerance for all hard-working Vermont citizens and guests of good will, regardless of race, gender, caste, creed, or religious affiliation.

Please email your questions, ideas, suggestions to us at

February 19, 2017

Get Involved!->Sign And Share Our 2VR Independence Petition, Donate To Our ‘Plan V’ Film Fundraiser, And Support Our Platform For A 2nd Vermont Republic (2VR)

Donate and share our PLAN ‘V’ film fundraiser here. Sign and share our 2VR petition here. Help us imagine and build a 2nd Vermont Republic. PLAN […]
February 10, 2017

Rules For Revolutionaries: Lessons from Vermont’s Bernie Sanders 2016 Presidential Campaign (BOOK REVIEW)

Publisher’s Note: Yah, we know. The Clintonistas and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) rigged the 2016 Democratic Primaries and stole the presidential nomination from Bernie Sanders. […]
February 6, 2017

#Resistance2017: Make America Ungovernable (TRUTH DIG)

Donald Trump’s regime is rapidly reconfiguring the United States into an authoritarian state. All forms of dissent will soon be criminalized. Civil liberties will no longer […]
February 6, 2017

$$$: A Public Bank For A Vermont Republic (ONCE $ FUTURE)

Press Conference on Legislation to Establish a Commission for a Vermont State Bank (Part 1) + the History of Vermont’s Public Bank (Part 2) On Wednesday, […]
February 6, 2017


Most Likely to Secede: What the Vermont Independence Movement Can Teach Us about Reclaiming Community and Creating a Human-Scale Vision for the 21st Century by Ron […]
January 28, 2017

#Calexit: “Yes California” Independence Campaign Gains Steam

A proposal for California to break away from the United States has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office in the state capital. If it […]
January 27, 2017

The Madness of King Donald and the Catabolic Collapse of US: Three Paramount Questions

Less than a week into the Trump Administration, I find myself incapable of remaining silent as I move through the blogosphere and social media where individuals […]
January 26, 2017

#MAGA Insanity Is US: Matt Taibbi’s Insane Clown President (BOOK REVIEW)

How did the United States end up with President Donald J. Trump? Insane Clown Posse, Matt Taibbi’s brilliant new book (watch MT’s interview with Chris Hedges), details the insanity. […]
January 26, 2017

Trump’s New Muslim Ban versus Vermont’s New Syrian Refugee Program: Time For Nullification?

Updated Links: Vermont attorney general T.J. Donovan announces task force to study impact of Trump executive order. Kudos to VtDigger for covering the impact of Mr. […]
January 21, 2017

Mr. Trump’s Inaugural Address – January 20, 2017 (FASCISM IS U.S.)

Plus, NINE of the most important indy news stories of 2016. With links. How the DNC and the Clintonistas Stole the Democratic Nomination from Bernie Sanders. […]
January 14, 2017


In 1777, Vermonters established Vermont as an independent and sovereign republic – “the only state of 50 that self-constituted itself as an independent republic,” according to […]
January 14, 2017

Plan V: A 2017 Vermont Interdependence Program

In honor of January 2017 – Vermont Independence Month (as declared by the Vermont State Legislature) AND the 240th anniversary of the 1777 founding of the […]