
From the Saturday Night Live comedic trio – Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, and Jorma Taccone – who brought late night TeeVee audiences such classic SNL digital shorts as “Dick in a Box” and “Shy Ronnie” comes a new mockumentary (“popumentary”?) called “Popstar: Never Stop, Never Stopping.” This no-holds-barred film, complete with its own soundtrack (note: not for general audiences!) is a completely inappropriate and utterly hilarious satirical spoof to goofy fan-friendly bubblegum flicks like Katy Perry: Part of Me and One Direction: This Is Us, with a generous measure of Bieber (#Sorry) Fever and satirical slings at the music industry thrown in. The result? Ninety minutes of wincingly whimsical fun.

The dealio. Our SNL trio stars as a boy band broken up by front man Conner’s solo success (Samberg, in his faux Macklemore-meets-Bieber glory). Reinventing himself as “Conner4Real,” the bad boy pop star surrounds himself with sycophantic nit wits, uber bling, 24/7 paparazzi, and his very best friend, a tortoise named Maximus, with whom he mugs for the ever-present camera and posts party photos for his one man social media empire. (“Popstar” is as much a critique of the narcissistic tendencies of our social media culture as it is of the pop music industry.) Unlike other mockumentaries like Christopher (“This Is Spinal Tap”) Guest’s best work, “Popstar” seamlessly melds the satirical and the real, with cameo appearances by a legion of music industry insiders, including Max Martin, Pharrell Williams, Simon Cowell, Carrie Underwood, Usher (Bieber’s life and times are uber-pranked), and Adam Levine, with an entire arena of Maroon 5 concert goers borrowed for a few key Popstar scenes, British pop star Seal showing up just long enough to get mauled by wolves, and Justin Timberlake laughing it up in a small but self-referentially ironic cutesy bit part.

What is truly impressive about “Popstar,” however, is the pop music itself. The SNL trio solicited the help of A-level real life producers like Greg Kurstin and RZA to help craft Conner4Real’s slickly absurd and grotesque pop presence, and the results are, well, imagine Sasha Baron Cohen locked in a room with a post-89 Taylor Swift for the week-end, and you’ll get some idea of what’s in store. A few highlights: Conner4Real’s Macklemore’ian pop song tribute to gay rights, in which he continually insists “I’m not gay!” and yells out inappropriate parts of the female anatomy throughout the song, or his ode to creativity – “Incredible Thoughts” – that marks the film’s climactic conclusion, featuring (I kid you not): an ever-earnest Michael Bolton, an entire symphony orchestra, and an electric guitar-playing Justin Timberlake in a giant goldfish costume, complete with nonsensical non-sequiturs that pass for lyrics. The film’s signature tune, however, is “Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song),” in which Conner4Real sings of an explicit one-night stand with a “freaky kind of girl” who asks him to engage in intimate acts with her in the same “clinically efficient” way that the U.S. government’s SEAL Team 6 assassinated Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan (assuming you believe the official US government party line – could this tune be a CIA propaganda stunt to seal the official version of the OBL assassination into the collective cultural unconsciousness? If so, give those spooks a bonus). Who else but Andy Samberg and crew, meanwhile, can conjure the line “invade my cave with your special unit” and have it be so wincingly funny?

That said, “Popstar” is not for everybody. Should you see this film? Rather than answer, I suggest you take this simple test. Go to YouTube, search “Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song)” and watch the video. If you find yourself laughing more than wincing, than the answer is affirmative. But you may want to leave your grandma, your thin-skinned relatives, and your kids at home.

Written by “Vermont Independent” publisher Rob Williams.

June 6, 2016

Imperial Dope! POPSTAR – Never Stop, Never Stopping

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April 29, 2016

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April 26, 2016

The F-35 Is a Feminist Issue: Vermont’s Colonel Rosanne M. Greco Speaks Truth

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April 20, 2016

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April 13, 2016

Happy Birthday to our Favorite American Secessionist!

April 13, 2016

“Shwag Bag Of Doom” – Welcome to “Cluster Fuck Nation.”

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April 7, 2016

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April 2, 2016

Breaking News! Vermont Secedes from the U.S. Empire

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April 5, 2006

Liberals and Conservatives: Relics of the Past

When former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards and Illinois Democratic Senator Barack Obama recently spoke to packed houses in Burlington, they provided glaring evidence that there is “noth­ing new under the sun” in mainstream U.S. two-party politics. Both delivered speeches laced with pseudo-liberal blather, Obama delivering a “call to action” similar to Howard Dean’s 2004 “Take Back America” campaign. As Edwards and Obama recited one liberal Democratic cliché after another, a discerning listener couldn’t help but be struck by how completely irrelevant the terms “liberal” and “conservative” have become in today’s twenty-first-century world. Those who openly iden­tify themselves with either of the terms are anachronistic and out of touch with reality.
January 11, 2006

Our Land, Our Destiny: Vermont Independence Convention Keynote Address

When we think about the destiny of our land, there are a few questions we might ask: What do we mean by “our land?” What has been holding it together? Who are we? And who will we become?
April 5, 2005

The Collapse of the American Empire

It is quite ironic: only a decade or so after the idea of the United States as an imperial power came to be accepted by both right and left, and people were able to talk openly about an American empire, it is showing multiple signs of its inability to continue. Indeed, it is now possible to contemplate its collapse. The neocons in power in Washington these days, who were delighted to talk about America as the sole empire in the world following the Soviet disintegration, will of course refuse to believe in any such collapse. But I think it behooves us to examine seriously the ways in which the U.S. system is so drastically imperiling itself that it will cause not only the collapse of its worldwide empire but vast changes on the domestic front as well.
April 5, 2005

Voices for Independence

Why this journal, Vermont Commons? And why now? Vermonters, Americans—indeed, all the world—stand at a widening divide. Not between red and blue, right and left, conservative and liberal, capitalist and socialist, and other such worn political coinage. No, we stand at a truly immense divide: that between our past and our future. Behind us, an experiment in democracy whose energies are still robust, but whose framework—the modern nation state—teeters in all its towering immensity. Behind us stand the great achievements of the Modernist era, molded by one of history’s great forces: centralization. Raw measures of power—governmental, military, scientific, economic, monetary, corporate—have reached levels of magnitude inconceivable a mere generation ago.