“Declaring Independence in Bernie’s Vermont” is a short biopic created by journalist and documentarian J.D. Thomason for Northview Magazine.
Before Bernie Sanders’ bid for the White House put Vermont back in the national spotlight, Thomason and his small crew made contact with the 2VR group after incidentally picking up a copy of Most Likely to Secede at Phoenix Books in Burlington. “I’ve of course been aware of some of the great things Vermont has pioneered over the last two decades, but the book [Most Likely to Secede] showed me that Vermont’s political potential and spirit of independence has only begun to assert itself” Thomason says. “In the context of the shallow political conversations taking place at the national level, the book’s contributors seemed way ahead of their time dealing with complex macro and micro issues in penetrating and practical ways. I had to find out what gives Vermont’s Davids the courage to speak out against the imperialist Goliath. So I reached out and now we’re making a full-length feature documentary that is currently in production.”
According to mainstream media outlets, many Americans are thinking about “Plan B” googling “move to Canada” or “immigrating abroad.” The “Plan B” panic is what prompted journalist J.D. Thomason to prepare his short film for Northview. Thomason says, “I figured, in Vermont people had the idea that you can leave the country from the comfort of your own home, so forget ‘Plan ‘B’ (moving abroad); let’s talk about Plan V.”
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