153 results found for: climate change

Open Letter to Vermont Governor Shumlin: Halt The Gas Pipeline (ACTIVISM)

Dear Governor Shumlin, We are leaders in Vermont—business owners, nonprofit executives, faith leaders, agriculture stewards, academics, and community representatives—who have followed the saga of the Addison Natural Gas […]

Inter States: Emerging Disorder, by Ralph Meima

This week, we feature Vermont novelist Ralph Meima’s provocative look at one possible future for the 21st century United States. His sprawling new novel INTER STATES, […]

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – The Magic Is Back

  A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away – the pre-imperial United States in 1977, to be precise – director George Lucas unleashed […]

Most Likely to Secede – Introduction

Download PDF by Ron Miller Vermont Commons: Voices of Independence was launched in April 2005. It began as a 12-page “journal” published bimonthly on newsprint, even­tually […]

The Collapse of the American Empire

It is quite ironic: only a decade or so after the idea of the United States as an imperial power came to be accepted by both right and left, and people were able to talk openly about an American empire, it is showing multiple signs of its inability to continue. Indeed, it is now possible to contemplate its collapse.

The neocons in power in Washington these days, who were delighted to talk about America as the sole empire in the world following the Soviet disintegration, will of course refuse to believe in any such collapse. But I think it behooves us to examine seriously the ways in which the U.S. system is so drastically imperiling itself that it will cause not only the collapse of its worldwide empire but vast changes on the domestic front as well.

Part Two: Global Problems, Local Solutions

This is the lengthiest and most detailed section of the book. Although the writings in Vermont Commons reflect a general philosophical orientation and an overarching critique […]

Hashtags & Hippie Buses: Cultural Contradictions within the #VanLife Movement

When Foster Huntington decided to quit his corporate job in New York City and travel around the United States in a Volkswagen bus for three years, he had no idea that his actions would trigger the formation of a countercultural community.

Bernie Sanders and Vermont’s UVM Millennials: Perfect Together?

Burlington, Vermont sits in the far north of New England, a liberal oasis in a sea of rural Vermont paleo-conservatism. Nestled in the Champlain Valley, a certain type of person? is called to this little city of roughly 42,000 people. The folks? who answer this calling generally congregate at the six collegiate-level schools in the city, one of these schools being the University of Vermont.

Plan B: Bernie, Meet the 2VR – The Power of A Meme

Back in early March, in the midst of the U.S. Super Tuesday 2016 presidential brouhaha, I published a playful little meme on my Facebook page. “PLAN B,” declares the meme, against a “Welcome to Vermont – Green Mountain State” sign, green with yellow borders. “WE ALL MOVE TO DECLARE INDEPENDENCE FROM THE USA AND VOTE FOR BERNIE TO BE OUR PRESIDENT.”

Powering Vermont’s Future by Embracing the Peak-Oil Challenge

Oil. We’re using it up like there’s no tomorrow. But there is.

Why is it, then, that nobody wants to talk about peak oil? We’re will­ing to discuss climate change; even send a tripartisan proposal to the governor in an attempt to move Vermont toward a less fossil-fuel driven energy portfolio. But the “P” word hardly ever gets any press. At what cost, this silence?

The Food Less Traveled

When I heard Michael Ableman, of the Center for Urban Agriculture, speak in Vermont last year, there was one statement he made that I have returned to frequently throughout the year—“pleasure is a better moti­vator for change than guilt.” He continued, “How do we provide an invi­tation, rather than a harangue?” It is hard to determine what thing or combination of things motivates social change—this is a question that traverses disciplines, whether studying educational change or political change.

Are Vermonters Suffering From Our “Normalcy Bias”?

A friend of mine says a lot of Vermonters are about to get a rude awakening over the next couple of weeks as the traditional sugaring […]