The Reluctant Activist is pleased to announce the only photo contest of its kind in America.
Beginning May 1 thru June 30th, 2016) The Reluctant Activist will be accepting (JPEG/JPG only) untouched amateur Chemtrail photos.
Contest Rules
1. all submittals must be untouched JPEG/JPG files and clearly stamped for time and date
2. no submittals will be accepted after midnight EST June 30, 2016
3. all submittals should goto activistsRus@gmail.com
4. all submittals should include contact information (name/email at a minimum — address and phone would be a help.
5. A winner will be publicly acknowledged with a photo and a check for $500 on July 29, 2016
6. Amateur Photos only
Selection Criteria (in order of priority)
1. proof the photo is untouched
2. clarity of the photo
3. number of trails
4. number of trails dissipating into clouds
5. number of airplanes