Thus, a fundamental question is- why does the Vermont Statehouse, some Vermont hospitals, and many stores in Burlington and elsewhere discriminate against the unvaccinated and treat them differently? More so, why are these practices being supported and allowed to continue? This is clearly not based on any actual available science and it is fully unethical.
We have to keep in mind that we are dealing with experimental, fast-tracked, gene-based injections in which there is zero research on long-term complications and risks. Due to the high number of reported adverse events related to these Covid vaccines, it is urgent that these vaccines are reexamined. There are many unvaccinated individuals in this state, who have taken the time to assess all of the research available and look at their specific situation regarding risk and current health status to determine if an experimental, gene-based injection was the right choice for them.
There is a current narrative that these injections prevent severe Covid, but this is an assumption, and it is actually impossible to know if that is truly the case, and who would or would not suffer from severe Covid based on vaccination status. This is not how the vaccines were originally sold- 100% safe and effective was the mantra, or really the lie. How is it even legal that these injections were able to be marketed this way after warp speed development and deployment to the masses, as well as ethically and legally questionable mandates based on experimental injections? These are all critical questions moving forward.
Traditionally, during a pandemic, which of course the question needs to be raised regarding- was this even a pandemic or just a completely and utterly mismanaged, exceptionally virulent, common cold virus with inappropriate and unreliable testing and dangerous and experimental mitigation strategies and treatments? Especially given the fact that science cannot even agree and does not even truly understand what a virus actually is, specifically where it comes from and what its role is.
We still have not seen viral isolation. Insilico gene sequencing has happened, but this computer-generated modeling of an unpurified sample is not a specific, reliable, or worthy application for viral identification. These are all important aspects of the conversation. Regardless, during a pandemic, the focus has always been to quarantine the sick and protect the vulnerable. This recent tyrannical approach completely infringed upon guaranteed Constitutional rights and a free society. We cannot allow any step back there- ever-, these rights must be fortified and protected and never allowed to erode, or humanity will suffer on all levels.
It is critical to recognize that we have just undergone the most massive vaccine campaign, the most massive marketing campaign ever laid out and forced, or at least, heavily coerced upon the people. With the unified front and messaging of a high majority of the legacy media and print outlets, social media outlets, the propaganda, the use of government leaders, movie stars, doctors, children’s television shows and public pressure, as well as massive censorship on both local and national levels, unfortunately so many people who were not in a high-risk category were sold lies of 100% safe and effective, and in some cases, coerced to take an experimental. gene-based injection for a cold virus that does not prevent transmission and a high majority of people had a close to 100 % recovery rate.
What happened here is evident: we had the most heavily coordinated and marketed vaccine campaign constantly pushing these injections as the only solution. The propaganda was intense, actually insane, and hopefully next time our state leaders and experts will not fall prey and will actually help guide the people in every way possible and provide all of the information available to help inform individuals. Most critically, ensuring that civil liberties and Constitutional rights are upheld at all times is of paramount importance. This is the oath that elected officials promise to protect for the Vermont residents who they represent.
We now see that cloth masks do not work; they are very clearly statistically insignificant with regards to any level of added protection against viruses. The covid “vaccines” are still an enigma, and it is completely unclear aside from assumptions what they actually did, if anything, and what the long-term impacts and ramifications of these experimental injections will be. We have taken a massive risk with a high percentage of our population including many of our children.
Every Tuesday, listening to the Governor’s press conference was a slap in the face to hear our state leaders and experts say this was the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Not once did I hear mention of vitamin D status or the impact on high-risk age groups and those with comorbidities and obesity on severe covid and hospitalizations. Natural immunity was played down despite its gold-standard, historical track record, and the fact that it is offering robust and durable protection for Covid. Public Health literally jumped off the cliff and broke trust, exerted massive overreach into Vermonters’ lives and their right to live in a free society and make their own healthcare decisions. In addition, and unfortunately, many of these press conferences aggravated and exacerbated the entire situation, because there was an unwillingness to have real conversations. There was also no conversation regarding what steps people could take to help their immune systems, including testing with their doctors to assess deficiencies, nutrition choices, peer-reviewed early outpatient treatment protocols to prevent severe Covid and hospitalizations or any other useful guidance other than experimental Covid vaccines. Most importantly and most disturbing of all, there was no compassion and respect for an individual’s choice regarding the experimental vaccines and the best path through.
Moving forward, being able to properly assess the situation and use all of the available data to fully inform Vermonters to the best of their ability should be the priority of our state leaders and experts. Anything otherwise is unacceptable. It is heartening to finally hear the current messaging involving individual choices, respect and compassion for each individual’s choices regarding Covid and the fact that there will of course be individuals who are compromised and at a higher risk, however the rest of the population needs to return to normalcy and accommodations can be made and determined for those who are in a higher risk situation but NOT at the expense of the rest of the population. We live in a free society and we must remember this and respect and protect our free society at all times. Solutions can and will be found for those at risk, there is no doubt that all Vermonters would work together to protect our vulnerable populations.
On a final note, being able to recognize propaganda is of utmost importance moving forward. There is no one better than Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s sick and twisted head of the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, to help us learn about the tricks and tactics of propaganda and in particular the use of media in disseminating and bolstering the propaganda. It is quite evident how the recent Covid vaccine campaign and vaccine propaganda have utilized some of these tactics. Here are some of Goebbels’ most famous quotes:
“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.”
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”
“This is the secret of propaganda: those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without even noticing that they are being immersed in it.”
“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.”
“A media system wants ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity.”
“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
“It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion.”
“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetitions and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they cloth ideas and disguise.”
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”
“Every age that has historical status is governed by aristocracies. Aristocracy with the meaning, -the best are ruling. Peoples do never govern themselves. That lunacy was concocted by liberalism. Behind people’s sovereignty the slyest cheaters are hiding, who don’t want to be recognized.”
These quotes speak for themselves. We have literally just lived through Goebbels’ propaganda playbook, and unfortunately, it is not the first time. It is critical that we work to identify this dangerous messaging in the future and ensure that our children can learn how to recognize propaganda. Propaganda continues to pervade the media and narrative as the social engineers are hard at work trying to lock humanity in a box that serves them and their agenda and not the people. This time it is unique, because the social engineers do not want humanity to know the box exists. Every sector is at risk, and humanity must continue to stand up and call out the agendas and actions that erode Constitutional rights so that these can be fortified and secured for the future and for our children.
The author is a St. Johnsbury-based clinical nutritionist.