Publisher’s Note: After attempting to contact our elected Vermont legislators via email and receiving numerous “quarantined for policy violation” system responses (for reasons unknown), we publish the letter below – directed at our elected representatives in the Vermont legislature. Empowering local Vermont select boards to mandate any top down medical intervention – masks, etc, – given our 20 months of data now, is a recipe for disaster. Our very best for the holiday season, and remember – courage is contagious, and a real gift to all right now. More here.
Our very best for the upcoming holiday season, and remember – courage is contagious, and a real gift to all right now.

Good Friday morning, esteemed Vermont legislators!
Dr. Rob Williams in Waitsfield here – a constituent, concerned citizen, and publisher of Vermont Independent.
To wit: By crafting policies mandating that Vermonters aggressively mask up, lock down, social distance, and “vaccinate” with experimental mRNA technology subject to “waning immunity,” (technology, BTW, that prevents neither viral infection nor viral transmission), Vermont public health officials have waged war on natural immunity, dramatically discouraged the virus from becoming “endemic” among the vast majority of healthy Vermonters, suppressed he arrival of herd immunity for almost two years now, and wrought immeasurable damage – social, psychological, and economic – on our state.
After 20 months of evidence, it is clear that “suppressing” a virus is not possible – Human hubris at work – and to try and do so has turned out to be deeply destructive to Vermonters’ health and well being.
PLEASE end this madness. Vote NO on giving local select boards authority to impose mask mandates.
And in January 2022, I urge you create a legislative committee to review these destructive anti-Human COVID policies and take steps to ensure that they can never be imposed again on the citizens of Vermont.
I look forward to your reply.
Rob Wiliams, Ph.D.; Waitsfield
PS: Our original “Beyond COVIDtopia” Op/Ed from spring 2020, published in Vermont’s “Valley Reporter.” Alas, our observations have only strengthened in importance given 20 months of data.