Political Independence
The creation and maintenance of a functioning RepublicThe Legislature is a body of the elected representatives of Vermont’s citizens, based in Montpelier.
The Second Vermont Republic (2VR)
2VR is a nonpartisan organization that advocates for the peaceful revival of Vermont’s original self-sufficient and independent government.
Its national values have been upset, but the state branch of the Democrats organizes Vermonters to support an expanded government and progressive social values.
Though also facing a national crisis of character, the Grand Old Party’s state organization promotes personal liberties and competitive business practices within Vermont.
The third major party of Vermont, the Progressives drive the state’s government towards social equality and a more equitable economy.
The Libertarians advocate for minimizing the size of the government and maximizing citizens’ ability to make their own decisions.
A nonviolent socialist party, the LUP runs on a platform of progressive social ideals and the creation of government guarantees for services like healthcare, education, and employment.
Commons Creation
The protection of public goodsDepartment of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Vermont DEC manages the human impact of Vermont’s society on its environment by maintaining sustainable air, land, water, and waste streams.
Climate change is real, ongoing, and a threat to every living thing on the planet. Founded in Vermont but now based in California, 350.org has brought Vermont leadership to the greatest challenge of our age.
Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG)
VPIRG organizes citizen involvement to protect Vermont’s consumers, ecosystem, and natural spaces.
The Vermont chapter of John James Audubon’s conservation association preserves wildlife habitats across the state.
Black River Action Team (BRAT)
Started as a one-time cleanup blitz, BRAT has evolved into a community of watershed conservationists along the Black River.
Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center (BEEC)
BEEC provides environmental lessons to communities in the Brattleboro area.
Vermont Land Trust (VLT)
Conserving nearly a half million acres of land, the VLT is one of Vermont’s leading environmental organizations.
Lake Champlain Land Trust (LCLT)
LCLT preserves the beauty, recreation, and biodiversity of Vermont’s shores.
The Vermont Nature Conservancy
Part of a national organization, the Nature Conservancy has a variety of ongoing stewardship projects for Vermont land and water.
Conservation Law Foundation (CLF)
Vermont’s branch of the CLF protects Vermont’s commons with a talented legal team.
Financial Independence
The Bank and community economies of VermontVermont Department of Financial Regulation (DFR) -- Banking Division
The DFR regulates the banks, credit unions, and other money lenders in Vermont, as well as providing consumer assistance.
Gund Institute of Ecological Economics
Out of the University of Vermont, the Gund Institute is creating 21st-century economic principles for a sustainable and equitable future.
Vermont’s largest local bank, founded in 1849 and based in Burlington.
Northfield Savings Bank (NSB)
A Barre-based mutual bank owned by its depositors, NSB’s main mission is to benefit its community.
Union Bank serves northern Vermont from its headquarters in Morrisville.
Vermont State Employees Credit Union (VSECU)
VSECU was founded by state employees, but its business of “People Helping People” is now open to all Vermont citizens.
Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB)
VMBB provides affordable financing to municipalities by making the national bond market easier to navigate.
Vermont Federal serves six counties with a non-profit cooperative model to bring financial security to its members.
Community National Bank (CNB)
Headquartered in Derby, CNB works to the motto of “In our communities to serve”.
Food Sovereignty
The agriculture of a small nationAdministration & System Building
This state agency employs hundreds of people to make sure that food is grown, cooked, and consumed safely.
The Center for an Agricultural Economy (CAE)
The CAE is a nonprofit organization that involves the Hardwick-area public in building a diverse and healthy food network.
Vermont Fresh Network (VFN)
VFN brings together farmers, chefs, and diners to build a statewide system of tasty, local food.
Based out of a meeting space in Barre, LACE is a nonprofit meant to facilitate discussions and friendships between farms and their communities.
Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN)
ACORN plans to double the Champlain Valley’s consumption of local food by 2020 by combining community enthusiasm with farmers’ hard work.
Rutland Area Farm and Food Link (RAFFL)
Bringing together Rutland’s community around a sustainable and people-oriented food and farm system, RAFFL is committed to helping Vermonters eat better and live healthier lives.
The Bureau serves as the voice of thousands of farms across the state, to preserve the family-owned businesses that are vital to an independent food economy.
Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT)
NOFA believes that the most sustainable food system is an organic one, and they provide organic certification and information to Vermont farms to meet that goal.
This thirty-year-old organization of farmers and families thinks that a good food system is one that maximizes the health and happiness of everyone involved, and gives farmers a voice to make that happen.
The Center stewards reclaimed, organic farmland within the city limits of Burlington, and promotes community-supported agriculture to the public.
A community-building organization to preserve and grow the agricultural community of the Upper Valley region of Vermont.
The Vermont Grass Farmers Association (VGFA)
A UVM-sponsored program to promote grass-based agriculture across the state.
The Vermont Farms! Association promotes tourism on farms, orchards, and sugarhouses across the working agricultural industry.
Artisans & Cooks
As one of the oldest agricultural associations in the country, the VMSMA promotes, brands, and advocates for Vermont sugar makers and the maple industry.
The incredible variety of breweries in Vermont is organized and promoted by the Brewer’s Association.
With a dedication “to the production and advancement of Vermont cheese,” the Council maintains the long history of Vermont cheese-making.
The growing state industry of wine, mead, and cider is being supported by this enthusiastic nonprofit.
New England Culinary Institute (NECI)
Based in Montpelier, the Institute trains professional chefs with a focus on local cuisine.
Election Integrity
Open and transparent politics & analog votingVermont Secretary of State (VTSecState)
Vermont has few official ethics organizations, but the Secretary of State and their office serve as an enforcer of rules and regulations on public officials. SecState also tallies, records, and publishes votes across the state.
Energy Independence
Local, renewable, and sustainable powerAdministration
State of Vermont Department of Public Service (VT-DPS)
Part of the state’s executive branch, the DPS has a mandate “to represent the public interest in matters regarding energy, telecommunications, water, and wastewater.” As part of those duties, they maintain a full list of electric utilities which was being updated at the time of this writing.
One of the most progressive electric utilities in the nation and the largest in the state, GMP is creating a distributed, inexpensive, reliable, and renewable energy system.
Owned by its customers, the Energy Co-op pioneers a consumer-first business model for heating Vermont homes.
VEIC consults, designs, and funds for efforts to bring Vermont’s energy sectors into a sustainable and affordable future.
VT Gas is the only gas distribution company licensed to operate in the state. Its mission is to bring cheaper, cleaner natural gas to families in Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison counties.
There are eighty-four solar-related companies in Vermont, a full list of which can be found on SEIA’s database (linked above).
Among Vermont’s largest local power companies and its biggest solar company, SunCommon works out of Waterbury to make solar power attractive and affordable.
A Williston company specializing in pivoting solar trackers, AllEarth’s products maximizes the solar power that one array can generate.
An installer based out of Brattleboro, Integrated Solar’s teams put solar into action with efficient and professional installations.
Green Lantern Capital (GLC)
GLC is a developer and finance in Waterbury that helps to handle the capital and logistics that large solar projects need.
Headquartered in Barre, Northern Power builds and consults for wind projects in the region and across the world.
A Hinesburg company, RNRG has been promoting and proliferating wind power across Vermont for more than thirty years.
The improvement of current and future generationsState of Vermont Agency of Education
The building blocks of a community and a nation are well-educated citizens. The Agency of Education takes on that complex task to make the next generation of Vermonters as well-informed as they can be, and provides contact information for students and parents to be involved. They have directories of:
Economic Solidarity
Supporting Vermont productsVermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR)
Involving 14% of the state’s economy, VBSR strives to meet and maximize the triple bottom line of social, environmental, and economic success for hundreds of state businesses.
The state’s largest business organization, the Chamber works to support and grow the Vermont economy.
Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce
The largest non-profit Chamber in the state represents and supports 2,500 member businesses.
There are dozens of different chambers of commerce across the state. You can find a full list of them, by region, here.
Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC)
VtSBDC gives training and advice for every stage of a small business’s creation and operation.
Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
The Department encourages and welcomes the 13 million yearly tourists that visit the state.
Town Meeting / Power Sharing
Local politics, local decisionsVermont League of Cities & Towns (VLCT)
Local politics should come first and be accessible. The VLCT provides representation and organization for the villages, towns, and cities of Vermont. Their list of members can be found in the link above, and a spreadsheet of contact information for all Vermont municipalities can be found here.
Equal Opportunity
Education, employment, healthcare, housingVermont Housing & Conservation Board (VHCB)
Combining affordable homes with land and historic area preservation, VHCB is a state agency that keeps Vermont communities, not just housing, sustainable and affordable.
Vermont Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD)
DHCD oversees and organizes the state’s housing policies and smaller housing organizations.
Vermont Health Connect (VHC)
Providing an easy way to find the best healthcare options in the state, the VHC tries to make finding care as simple and personal as possible.
Vermont Family Network (VFN)
The VFN empowers families of special-needs children to help them achieve their full potential.
Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness (VCEH)
Realizing that homelessness is a problem with a solution, VCEH brings together communities to help the least fortunate amongst them.
Surveillance-Free Citizenry
Rights to privacyThe violations of Internet privacy that were revealed by Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald are a product of American national policy, not Vermont’s government. As far as we know, the state of Vermont has no such surveillance programs.
Tension Reduction
Demilitarization and volunteer policingSharing the same flag as the 2VR, the National Guard is made of Vermont volunteers who want to serve their friends and countrymen.
The State Police provides law enforcement to about half of the people of Vermont, and has authority over ninety percent of the land mass.