December 2, 2017

Cannabis Legalization For Vermont – Is 2018 The Year? (Plan V-TV/Episode 24)

Plan V-TV Episode 24 explores legalizing cannabis here in the once and future Vermont republic. Join us for a conversation with Heady Vermont co-founder Eli Harrington. […]
December 5, 2017

Burlington, Vermont Hosts Local Hemp and CBD Farmer’s Market (#CannabisConversations)

Visit sponsor Heady Vermont for complete information. See you there!
December 6, 2017

Savage Grace: Living Resiliently In The Dark Night Of The Globe (BOOK REVIEW)

Savage Grace sits on my nightstand warding off the 2 am fears about climate change, politics, the economy, religion, species extinction and mass shootings. On the […]
December 6, 2017

Chris Hedges Chronicles The US Empire’s Dystopic Collapse (SANCTUARY VIDEO)

Few US commentators provide as much dark wisdom as Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, who resigned from the NY Times after he was “reprimanded” for […]
December 7, 2017

A Public Bank For Vermont – The Time Is Now! (#BringOurMoneyHome)

Our latest Plan V-TV show? Episode 25 – How a Vermont public bank can benefit our Vermont citizens, our schools, our communities, and our Vermont economy […]
December 7, 2017

Volcanoes In Vermont? (GEO COMMONS)

Although a major volcanic eruption isn’t likely to occur in Vermont anytime soon, researchers recently found a mass of warm rock rising below Vermont. The formation is […]
December 8, 2017

“Deep State” Google’plex Hires Army Of 10,000 Censors (2VR v. PANOPTICON)

                      Deep State’s Google to appoint staff of 10,000 to weed out ‘extremist’ content on YouTube […]
December 8, 2017

Climate Is Heating Up In Vermont (GE/GLOBAL WARMING)

Since 1970, Burlington, Vermont has had the largest increase in average winter temperature across the nation. Burlington’s average has increased by 7°F in the past 47 […]
December 11, 2017

“RUSSIA GATE (?) UPDATE” – CNN and MSNBC continue “FAKE NEWS” fiasco (#ShitWeMakeUp)

When will MSNBC and CNN stop reporting on the tired old unproven “Russia Hacked The 2016 Election” meme and spotlight real issues – the imminent demise […]
December 13, 2017

Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World (BOOK REVIEW)

“Fit to govern? No, not fit to live.” From The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act IV scene iii In my optimistic imagination, Dick Cheney shall live and […]