July 18, 2017

2VR Co-Sponsors Vermont “Kerrigan’s Army” Harriers In Andorra @ World Youth Sky Running Championships (SISTER REPUBLICS)

Excerpt – “Vermont is the only state in the US that once existed as its own republic (1777-1791). Andorra has remained as an independent republic, despite […]
July 19, 2017

The Future of Vermont Agriculture (LIVE on WGDR)

WGDR radio host, Ethan Allen impersonator, and 2VR champion Jim Hogue talks with former Vermont Secretary of Agriculture Roger Albee about the future of Vermont agriculture […]
July 21, 2017

Pentagon Announces US Empire Is “Collapsing” (Insurge Intelligence)

It’s official. The Pentagon announced this summer that the US Empire is “collapsing.” Their solution to this troublesome news? Surprise! “More surveillance, more propaganda (‘strategic manipulation […]
July 23, 2017

The “Secession Impulse” Is Alive and Well in US Cities and States (KIRKPATRICK SALE)

Publisher’s Note: Kirkpatrick Sale is our preeminent thinker on decentralism, and the founder of the Middlebury Institute, which organized in Middlebury, Vermont in November 2004. In […]
July 30, 2017

Ethan Allen – In His Own Words (CCTV + Jim Hogue)

Thanks to the indefatigable Jim Hogue and our friends at CCTV for presenting this Ethan Allen Homestead presentation “Ethan Allen – In His Own Words.” Enjoy. […]
August 11, 2017

New! MEDIA POWER TOOLS resources for our Digital Age!

Exciting news, media, communications, and journalism fans! For two decades, we’ve taught critical media literacy education, and sought to marry this CMLE approach with journalistic practices […]
August 13, 2017

Pentagon “Preemptive Strike” Plan For North Korea (FIRE AND FURY, REDUX)

Breaking news. The Pentagon has dusted off plan to attack North Korea using bombers from Guam. The Pentagon has a detailed plan for a military strike […]
August 13, 2017

“The Geoengineering Prospect – Full Spectrum Dominance.” (Our Geoengineering Age, Part 7)

Publisher’s Note: This is the seventh installment in our geoengineering series. Our skies are our most visible and vital global Commons, and they are under siege […]
August 14, 2017

Vermont’s Green Mountain Power Moves Towards Decentralized Energy Grid (New York Times)

We don’t often quote or promote the New York Times, one of the U.S. Empire’s daily propa-newspapers of record, but this feature story in the July […]
August 14, 2017

#BlackLivesMatter in Vermont-“Raise A Flag Of Revolution” (UVM DOC)

In the wake of the Charlottesville tragedy, our VI-supported LA-based comedic news man Jimmy Dore and his progressive colleague Tim Black break down “What People Are […]