July 18, 2017
Excerpt – “Vermont is the only state in the US that once existed as its own republic (1777-1791). Andorra has remained as an independent republic, despite […]
July 19, 2017
WGDR radio host, Ethan Allen impersonator, and 2VR champion Jim Hogue talks with former Vermont Secretary of Agriculture Roger Albee about the future of Vermont agriculture […]
July 21, 2017
It’s official. The Pentagon announced this summer that the US Empire is “collapsing.” Their solution to this troublesome news? Surprise! “More surveillance, more propaganda (‘strategic manipulation […]
July 23, 2017
Publisher’s Note: Kirkpatrick Sale is our preeminent thinker on decentralism, and the founder of the Middlebury Institute, which organized in Middlebury, Vermont in November 2004. In […]
July 30, 2017
Thanks to the indefatigable Jim Hogue and our friends at CCTV for presenting this Ethan Allen Homestead presentation “Ethan Allen – In His Own Words.” Enjoy. […]
August 11, 2017
Exciting news, media, communications, and journalism fans! For two decades, we’ve taught critical media literacy education, and sought to marry this CMLE approach with journalistic practices […]
August 13, 2017
Breaking news. The Pentagon has dusted off plan to attack North Korea using bombers from Guam. The Pentagon has a detailed plan for a military strike […]
August 13, 2017
Publisher’s Note: This is the seventh installment in our geoengineering series. Our skies are our most visible and vital global Commons, and they are under siege […]
August 14, 2017
We don’t often quote or promote the New York Times, one of the U.S. Empire’s daily propa-newspapers of record, but this feature story in the July […]
August 14, 2017
In the wake of the Charlottesville tragedy, our VI-supported LA-based comedic news man Jimmy Dore and his progressive colleague Tim Black break down “What People Are […]
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