Creative Action and Rapid Response Rally slated for Thursday, December 18, 11:30 am @ the State House. Please join us!

For those of us who have been organizing for years, and likely for the thousands of supporters of a universal single payer healthcare system for all residents of Vermont, this lack of political courage is extremely frustrating.
But this isn’t just about healthcare. Again and again, the Governor has calculated that he can afford to throw under the bus those of us organizing for human rights and a livable planet, and instead build alliances with the wealthiest people and businesses in the state.
We need to show that there are serious political ramifications when he does this. Just days before the elections, 64 of us were arrested occupying his office to protest his stance on the gas pipeline, with hundreds outside. It’s time to make that type of action the norm, not the exception, and shift statewide power relations in the process. Join us tomorrow and on January 8th as we express our dignified outrage toward a Governor who talks left, but walks right.
Thursday, December 18 @ 11:30am @ the Statehouse: Creative action and rapid response rally. Bring your medical bills, because we’ll be burning them together in protest. Afterwards we’ll head to the Green Mountain Care Board meeting at 1pm.