Publisher’s Note: As Vermonters languish under weeks of Lockdown, critics of the word “plandemic” fail to realize that the WHOsters and their “global partners” have been prepping for COVID’s arrival for some time with a clairvoyance which certainly is, well, convenient, in a “cui bono” (who benefits?) sense. We’ve made this clear in our COVID EMPIRE series, but the plandemic documents keep on coming. Thanks to our New York University colleague Mark Crispin Miller for sending this one over today. Worth a close read, especially for those who may not know much about the WHO’s public face. His commentary follows, with the screen shot below taken from the actual WHO document.
Issued last September 2019, this “Executive Summary” by the WHO’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board is a most impressive piece of work—not least because of its clairvoyance, as it envisions “a rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen (whether naturally emergent or accidentally or deliberately released)” (italics in the text – see above).
To deal with that pandemic, the nations of the world must realize certain “progress indicators” by this September. Those “indicators” now require our careful study, as the WHO means business; and, as we have long since learned, what business wants, business tends to get. It’s obvious throughout this magisterial “summary” that Big Pharm—er, I mean, Bill G—oops, that is, the WHO, by this September, will be very close to having that VACCINE which will surely save us all, whether we want it or not.
Among the summary’s two dozen references to that expedient, the second is the most intriguing: “a universal influenza vaccine,” which “countries, donors and multilateral institutions” must altogether get a jump on turning out. We need to ask what “universal” means? That it will kill off every influenza strain there is (including all possible mutations)? Or that it will be universally deployed? Or both?
Whatever “universal” means, that is a really bad idea, and one we must be ready to shoot down,or, failing that, resist, and well before September. – Mark Crispin Miller, NYU